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Hi, my name is Nicole Mikaelson. Yep, you heard right, Mikaelson. You've probably heard of my family. my mum and dad are Hayley Marshall and The Niklaus Mikaelson (that's where I go my name), and my twin sister is Hope Mikaelson.

Now you might be wondering why you haven't heard much about me. Well, if you know the story, and I'm hoping you do, you'll know that the witches of new Orleans tried to kill hope when she was born, but she was saved and everything else. But what was left out of that story was the fact that my mother actually had twins but no one came to save me from the witches, they didn't know about me for years and the new Orleans witches used me and fed off my power for a long time.

You see my mother knew she was having twins and she did everything she could to hide it from my father, when they were threatening to kill her and her "babies" she bargained with them and offered them which ever twin was born second and all they had to do was not tell anyone about it. Of course, the witches agreed, and that's exactly what happened. She just left me. No plan to ever come back for me.

Anyway, when I was growing up the witches told me stories about the family I came from even though they weren't supposed to and all I ever wanted was to meet my family but every time I asked they were sure to remind me about how my mother made a deal, how she abandoned me to save my sister and herself. I never asked to see my family again.

When I turned 7, I was able to control my magic more than before, and I knew I was extremely powerful. The witches figured out I was more powerful than Hope. Lately, i have heard the witches talking about how it's getting harder to keep me a secret. I dont want to be a secret anymore. I really wanted to meet my dad, I wanted to know if he knew about me, so I found ways to start sending him small messages. At first, he thought he was going crazy but after he spoke to my Aunt Freya, she told him someone was trying to send him a message, so he started listening more.

It's now been about 2 months of me communicating with my dad without anyone knowing. I told him everything the witches told me about what happened. He was sceptical, but something in him believed me, I could tell. He asked me if he could meet me, and honestly, I'm scared, I mean, I've been told stories about this man since I can remember. What if he doesn't believe me? What will he do?

I agreed to meet him after dark when the witches think I am in bed and I'm getting ready now. Like I said, I'm really nervous, but I'm also really excited. I am finally going to meet my dad. I finish getting ready and sneak out of my room. It's pretty late so most of the witches are asleep but the few I have to sneak past are currently walking around the cemetery, I do my best to get past without them noticing and run out the gates. I see the bench where I'm supposed to be meeting him, but it's empty, I sigh but stay hopeful as I sit on the bench to wait.

After what I think was about 10 minutes, I started losing hope that he would show up. That is until I hear someone behind me and I freeze. "Are you her?" I hear a British accent from behind me, I'm frozen and don't know what to say. I'm too scared to turn around and look at him. he walks around the bench and sits down next to me, I can feel his eyes on me, and I build up the courage to look up towards him. The expression on his face changes as he looks at me. I notice I have his eyes and his lips, I actually look like him a lot, I think he noticed this, too.

"What is your name, luv?" he asks and I look at him, "The witches call me Nicole, because they said I looked like my dad" his face stays straight and I am so scared of what could be going through his head. "I'm sorry, Nicole..." This is it. He doesn't believe me. I'll never see my family. "I'm sorry I had no idea about you," he finishes, and my eyes fill up with water.

He believes me...


New story for you all. I'm not sure if I like it. let me know what you think!

also, remember in this story the hollow has been and gone a lot earlier!

much love <3

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