Chapter 7

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"We should team up." Derek says.

"And why should I do that? I don't trust you. Plus I have my own problem I'm dealing with."

"Like what?"

"Who killed my family, and finding my - -" Willa cuts herself off. "Nevermind."

"Finding your what?"

"Moonstone. It give them a source to live." Braeden says.

"What? Werewolves doesn't need a stone too live."

"Crescent wolves do."

"What about Hayley?"

"Wait, the girl that was with you is Hayley Marshall?" Willa asks.

"Yeah, so?"

"Come with me. Both of you." Willa says walking away as Braeden and Derek follow her. "Her parents made something for her to live without the moonstone. But they vanished five days after she was born, then our brother vanished 5 days after."

"Five day difference? That has to mean something, right?" Braeden asks.

"Yeah we thought about that. But here's the thing. Hayley's parents were found dead five days after my brother went missing."

"Wait, five days apart, three times. That means something."

"Yeah it does." Willa gets out a book that was on the bookshelf. The front cover shows something very similar to Derek.

"The triskelion. It leads back too my family, and Beacon Hills."

"Are you going to go back?" Braeden asks.

"I have too. Even though I have no clue what I'm going to be looking for."

"What if I go with you? I can try to find my brother, the moonstone, and see who killed my family." Willa says.

"Okay, you're coming with me. Wait. What's your brothers name, I know a couple of officers who can be put on that case."


Braeden and Derek freeze knowing the guy she just said.

"Does he have brown hair, with a little of white hair?"

"Yeah... Why? Have you seen him?"

"Oh he's a bit closer then you think." Braeden says.

"How close?"

"Five minutes away close."

Hale Loft.

Derek and Braeden walks in looking at Kira and Malia cuddling together on the couch watching a movie on the tv.

"Where is Wyatt?" Derek asks.

"Yeah it's great to see you two dummy. He's upstairs." Malia says.

"Thank you." Derek runs up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Kira asks.

"Remember Willa is looking for her brother?"

Malia and Kira nods their head yes.

"Well, Wyatt is her missing brother."

Malia and Kira gets off the couch at the same time shocked by the news. "WHAT?"

Attaway General Hospital.

In a patients room, Jed is dealing with a four to five year old kid who ate some marbles while Nina, Gerogia, Rosie, Jack, and Kit stand behind him observing.

Hale Forever Book 1Where stories live. Discover now