~ Welcome to math class ~

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Coley's POV:
Hello, my name is Jason, Jason Coley to be more specific. I am a teacher over here at plank, I teach math, I love math infact. It has always been a passion for me. But it isn't always easy by myself, dealing with loud and obnoxious students. I have requested for an assistant teacher to make my job a tad bit easier. Days later, a guest appeared at the door. And thats where it started.

3rd Person POV:
The sudden knocking on the door startled Coley, He jumped at the sound. He started to walk over to the door, and when he opened the door, a life-changing moment occured.
"Hello-oh,," Coley's face began to redden up as he stared the handsome young man in his face. "Y-you must be the assistant teacher." Coley murmured while covering his face in embarrassment.
"Hello." Said the man, "I'm Sean Daleiden, you must be Jason, correct?" He gave a friendly smirk towards him.
"P-please, just call me Coley." He straightened himself up, he must make a good impression for him.
"Well, I'm glad to be working with you." Daleiden held his hand out, Coley's heart quickened in pace and he was back to square one.
"Yeah.. me too." Coley blushes as he shook his hand. Daleiden could see the look on Coley's face and he pulled him in for a hug. Coley let out a gasp of shock, and Daleiden's face started to burn up a bit.
"Ahem, well" Daleiden coughs as he pulls away from Coley, "I hope to work with you tomorrow!" He exclaims. and shortly after, he walk out the classroom. Leaving Coley there by himself.
"Ugh- you can't stop thinking about him now!" Coley rubs his burning face. His heart rate started to lower back to normal pace. But after that day, Coley already knew he was in love with Daleiden.

~The End~

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