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Today is just the another exhausting day as usual. A strong masculine figure walk step by step to his apartment. He tried to loosen his tie while moving his step slowly to the front door, taping the code to unlock the door but suddenly stop when he saw the basket cage that has some small white fluffy stuff in there. He slowly squat down to look at the basket, his eyes widen after he saw what's it in there.
"What the heck?!" He blurred out after acknowledge what the white fluffy stuff is.
" What should I do with this?!"


After standing, staring at the basket for a while. Taehyung decide to bring it in his apartment.

" Are you waking up now?" He asked the small fluffy creature that start moving, running to stay at the corner of the basket.

" I'm not hurting you... Don't worry..."
He said to the hamster that stay still but the hamster eyes ball keep moving left and right.

" I think going crazy right now. Why I'm talking to the hamster?"
" I think he's hungry since he keep chewing none stop wait.... what do hamsters it? Vegetable and fruit, right? Maybe strawberries, peaches...yeah let's get you some and then contact your asshole owner to come pick up." He said then walk to the fridge, pulling some strawberries out while on his phone contacting to someone.

" Yahhh!! Jeon Jungkook! come pick to pick your pet back to your house right now?" He yelled at the other person that on the phone with him.

" Taehyung-ah...can you do it for me? We're best friend for life right?"

" Fuck off!! If you can't take care him why you bought him huh?"

" That's the gift from my ex to me now we broke up I don't want to talk to him anymore I'm hurting right now Taehyung-ah! I can't even take care of myself let alone that small hamster" Jungkook said fake crying through the phone.

" you broke up with Jimin again?! Come on I know you both going to get back together again" Taehyung said in frustrated.

" No, not this time... I still love him but he's selfish I'm so tired!"

" Stop playing victim, I know you went to a night club not announce him again are you drunk now idiot go home and rest. And why don't you return him to the store?"

" The hamster? I don't want to die yet, he's Jimin's favorite one. Don't be so cruel that's why you're still single"

" Shut up!! you love sick man!! Just go home before you die of overdose. I'm hang up now"

Taehyung hung up his phone then look at the small hamster then sight.
He lift the hamster slightly then put on both his hand while the other busying munching the strawberry none stop.
" Cute"

After the hamster ate all the strawberries. Taehyung put him back in the basket and bring it to his bedroom. He put the basket on his bed, went to clean himself up.
He wear a sweat pants without any shirt on, he jump to lie down on his bed. He then put his hands in the basket, lifting the hamster to put in both of his hand then take closer of him. He put his thumb on the hamster head, patting and stroking back and forth that action make the hamster lean in his touch, after minutes of doing that the hamster fall asleep in Taehyung hand. He dare not move so he keep his hand just like that until he also fall asleep after the hamster.


Taehyung fluttering his eyes open after having a good sleep last night.
He feels strangely comfortable than usual. After fully open his eyes, Taehyung look at the heaviness that stay on his arms, feeling the fluffy softness of the light brown cotton candy hair. He suddenly scream when his recognize what that is.

" This is just- fuck-" Taehyung curse at himself loudly that make the person that sleep in his arms start moving his soft cotton candy hair against Taehyung's chest. then slowly open his big doe eyes to look at Taehyung shocking face, ignoring his close his eyes, he close his eyes back to sleep.

"Was I drunk last night?" Taehyung lift his free hand to rub his hair harshly out of frustrated. he slightly lift the sleepy head to put on the soft pillow then got to take his shower. He really needs one.

" Hey! You! Wake up!" He yelled at the person on the bed. After he took his long shower and working out like that maybe two hours straight. He went back to his bedroom to check the person that still sleeping soundly.

" Hey!" He yelled again.
" Where's the hamster?" After the word hamster come out. The sleeping person suddenly open his doe eyes to look at Taehyung.
" you! Who are you?" Taehyung yell again after finding out the person is naked, haft of his body is covered in a white soft blanket. The person in bed just look at him, blinking his eyes innocently while he slightly sniff his nose, continue staring at Taehyung's eyes. He didn't say anything.

" where is the Hamster?" Taehyung asked.
" Hamster" The person in bed repeat.
" what?"
" what"
" stop copying me" Taehyung sight~~
" copying me?" The person repeated then lower his head and sight ~~

" What's your name?" Taehyung asked .

" Your name?" The person repeated.

" Not mine!!! Yours!!!" Taehyung yelled loudly that make Jin flinch, throwing the blanket over his head to hide away from Taehyung.

" Tsk... Are we playing hide and seek now?" Taehyung clicked his tongue, he use one of his hand to uncover the blanket aggressively that make the other's whole naked body to display in front of his eyes.
" Shit...." Taehyung look at the other's body for a while the curse the turn his back to the person. He walk to his closet and return back with some clothes for the person on the bed to wear.

" Wear it." He threw the clothes at the person that hiding in the blanket.
" Don't tell me you don't know how to wear clothes " Taehyung said mocking at the person who doesn't look like he understand a word which Taehyung said by just keep staring at Taehyung's face.
" For real?" Taehyung annoyingly click his tongue again then move closer to the bed to help the person changing.

" Now! Can you tell your name?" Taehyung asked again.

"...." The person think for a long time like his thoughts travel to the flash back. "Seokjinnie, good! Eat it well." He thinks of what his owner call him.

" Seokjinnie ~~" the small voice finally come from the other that he's now sitting in bed looking at Taehyung like a puppy waiting for his owner to feed.

* Update every Saturday 💕*

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