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Stak wondered around Tarak's fort a little away from the castle. The job given by the king was simple; assassinate Tarak for being a traitor. Richard said that he was seen talking to Domdaniel just before the final battle. He had also been chatting with him a few days before the battle. Stak was invisible to all the guards in his clothes. He blend in with the background well, and the only way someone could tell he was there was if they could see his eyes and the skin around his eyes concealed under his black hood and black bandana over his mouth. He had a black wood bow with him, and the bowstring was painted black, as well as the bandages on his wrist. His sword and knives were in there super dark red scabbard and sheaths. Gloves kept his hands from being seen by people.

 His bow was in his hand, and was barely visible in the dark night. He grabbed an arrow from his black quiver and rested the black arrow on his bow. He drew the bowstring back until his thumb reached his cheek. One thirds of the arrow was not hidden behind the bow, and was jutting out towards the wall. He fired the arrow, and then fired it a bit more off to the right and a bit higher. Another arrow then went to the left of the previous one fired, going a bit higher than that on also. He continued to do this until it the arrows hit the top of the wood wall. He slung the bow over his neck and walked over to where the first arrow was. He then jumped up and grabbed the first arrow with his left hand.

Since the arrow was made of shadow iron, so it didn't break easy. It was also very lightweight so it wouldn't make you go slower, and it was good for stealth since it was black. He pulled himself up and grabbed the other arrow. He continued to do so until he reached the top of the wall. Once there, he took out his shadow iron sword from its scabbard and prepared to fight. Torches weren't on the walls, so the guards could not even see Stak. Stak stood still as one of the guards walked past him and looked towards him, seeing his tan face. His eyes widened in panic as Stak ran to his back and held his sword to the guard's neck. He then sliced the throat opened and through the man over the wall where he fell to his death.

            Stak then put the sword back and grabbed his bow and placed an arrow on it. He pulled the string back with the arrow and fired it into another guard's neck. Once he fell, the people around frantically looked around for the one who shot him. They raised their shields and drew their swords, looking in the darkness for an archer that they could not see. One guy then noticed a wrinkle in the sky in front and directed everyone to that area. The arrows seemed to be coming from air as they struck the necks of the guards, who looked as if they had died for no reason since shadow iron was completely see through. Stak drew out his sword and advanced toward the guards who had survived the fusillade of arrows. His sword cut through someone's throat, leaving a deep cut. He then pierced his sword through another's chain armor and through his chest.

            Someone bashed his sword against Stak's sword, and the force knocked Stak's sword out of his hand. He then reached for the left side of his hip and picked up to wooden rectangular sticks. He spun it around in his hands and, with a flick of a wrist, the sticks turned into bladed fans. He cut people's faces and throats and armor with the fans that had a flat, very sharp and rectangular shaped blade running through the entire fan. Not long after, most of the guards died, and the last survivors ran away. He took his sword back and put the fans in their place on his hip.

            He descended down the wall until he reached the ground, and from there he ran to Tarak's house. He picked the lock and ran into the house. Once he found Tarak, who was sleeping on the bed, he grabbed his sword. Tarak's eyes opened wide with panic when he woke to the sound as the sword went right through his chest. He then wretched the sword out of his chest and grabbed all the evidence linking him to Domdaniel, after which he ran towards the gate. He found the lever to open and opened the gates as he ran out. No one saw him run out, not even the guards watching the gates.

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