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You'd jolt awake suddenly, opening your blurry eyes.

your vision felt so uneasy, so you carefully brought your hands towards your eyes and rubbed them gently as then opening again. your eye-sight seemed slightly better, but your head felt so uneven with your body as you looked around. you must've fell asleep again as reading, unknowingly of course but it didn't seem to help at all..

you'd sigh as getting your feet onto the ground swiftly, standing up wobbily-like. you'd stand yourself, as then hearing your back suddenly pop, feeling the quite relief slightly on you. you'd figure you probably had to do the dishes or something of the sort, as it seemed a little later in the day already.

you would swiftly open the door as fast as closing it and quickly heading down the hall, steadily being careful on the tile. you peaked your head around the corner as spotting your mother, sitting weirdly enough at the table not like usual.

 "yes, 'ma?" you'd say as looking at her, she then smiling at you slightly. 

"Lynn, hun.. be a dear and go to the gas station for me will 'ya?" she replies, as you'd come closer towards her. you'd sigh quietly to yourself, nodding a bit as looking for your converse. 

"sure mum.. what do you need?" you asked as finding your converse, and slipping them on with slight struggle. "just some drinks, and a possible snack for dinner tonight? we don't have much right now for usuals.." your mother scoffed, as smiling waving it off. you'd look at your mother with a softened look, slight pity in your eyes as you watched her. you'd smile softly, as her slight smile was somehow contagious to you.

"sure will 'ma, it's quite alright." you'd say with a gentle voice, as going towards your mother and giving her a peck on the cheek, your mother just giggled slightly. she'd then hand you some money, as patting your hand like it was very delicate. you'd put the money into your pocket, not noticing if it'd be enough or not. you'd then go towards the door turning the knob and opening it, looking back a bit. 

"love you momma." you'd say as waving off, and then shutting the door quietly. you would step off the porch, as going onto the sidewalk and smiling as looking around.

you would notice the beautiful leafs falling carelessly messy onto the ground, the colors being orange, yellow, and brown.. it was quite the scenery as people would say, and you being the wonderous 12 yr old you were you'd grab a camera from your pocket that you usually kept with you. then, carefully backing up.. you'd take a picture and suddenly the picture came sliding out, so you'd clasp onto it gently as waving it around a bit.

soon enough, you'd look at it and then admired it with a proud smile. it was quite actually, beautiful and so much you continued to walk as staring at it.. though you were drifting off into the road and you were so busy and caught up into your proud moment, you didn't hear anything.

not even the noises of a car..

until you heard tires screeching loudly, and you looked up suddenly wide eyed as a ear piercing scream escaped your mouth that was agape. you didn't realize what was happening until it went dark.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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