Chapter One- Where?

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A strange overhead light seems to appear above  me. The room I am in is bright, and as cold as my lake's water on a dark winter day.
Where am I?
I sit my back up straight, and try fix my posture.

The walls are white, and there are windows everywhere. Through the windows are fluffy white clouds, in a bright blue sky.
Am I not on Earth?

As my body begins to awaken, I can hear beautiful music coming from down a hall.
The music is being played on a harp. I've never felt more joy from listening to instruments. It's almost like my mind is free from all of my stress and anger.

"Well hello there!", says a clear voice. It's a woman's voice. Her voice is as soft as snow, almost like my mother's voice was before she developed mutism.
"We're so happy to have you here. You seem stressed. Would you like to know where you are?"

Her voice is almost identical to how I remember my mom's voice being.
My mom was a very special person to me. She got me through all of my hardest times.

As a tear rolls down my cheek, I catch a glimpse of memories from when my mom was with me.

"Well you mustn't be worried. Did you have fun?", She lady asked, while she puts one of her arms on my shoulder for sympathy.

I can barely answer because of how heavily I am crying now. The thought of my mom really brings me down; because of how much I miss her.
"What do you mean by that?", I ask, while choking on my own tears.

"I mean did you have fun on Earth, down there. Right now we're at the cube, where you're waiting for manual approval to be put into paradise."

Paradise? Manual Approval? Cube? Fun on Earth? Things are not adding up.

"Am I... alive?", I ask.

"Well, no. You used to be. As I already said, you're in the cube. You've already experienced Earth, now it's time for your reward, forever paradise."

"Wait.. so I am dead? I died? How? When? What year is it?"

"My dear.. I am afraid that I can not answer those questions at the moment. But I'll be sure to ask Osabella for you."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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