pizza Plex

17 3 4

Mom please I don't want to go home yet 5 more minutes!

You said to your mother to not go home from the pizza plex yet that you just wanted to stay a little longer, and you told her that you had a ton of tickets that you haven't even spent yet.
your mom hesitated for a moment to finally gave in.

All right all right.
Five more minutes.


You ran around the pizza plex with your bucket of tickets you ran to the counter to see all the prices that didn't look very interesting to you you were disappointed in them eventually you walked around to pass a daycare? A big giant Moon animatronic crouch down talking a little kids you wandered in there.

I'll take three
more questions.

The robot say with a raspy tone, the robot was basically taller than you when you saw him at  the window you were in the back row.

Me! me! me!

a child said.

Yes little one?

inside your hat?

She then pointed on the top of his head which reveals a cap with stars on it and a little bell on the end though it looked a little bit more clumpy.

My hat? Well.
if you must know.

He takes off his hat to reveal to us what's inside

It's filled with
candy my dear.

The children start taking the energy candy from within the hat and he puts it back on his head without spilling anything.

I'll take it two
more questions.

Another child raise their hand.


He turned his head in a
360° turn.

Why are you so big?

Why it's for me
to scare off
the monsters at
night while
you rest dear child.


Now I'll take,
one more question.

You raised your hand.

Yes my dear?

Your bells,
what are they for?

My my, what a interesting question you have.

Close your eyes children.

You all did as he said you see total darkness.

Tell me children
what do you see?


But tell me what do you hear.

He raises his hands up in the air and start moving them like jazz hands.
*Jingle* *jingle* *jangle* *jangle*


My bells are meant
for the blind,
to hear where I'm at.

Everyone open their eyes and awe.

All right children it's time for all of you to go home.


Don't worry, I'll
see you next time.

You approach the big mechanical moon face animatronic.
You noticed that he was hunched over this entire time.

Um. Excuse me?


He turned his head all the way around to see you and turn the rest of his body towards you.

Why you're too big to be a child.
A teenager perhaps?
What brought you to my daycare?

um I ah.


He then eyed at the bucket

You look past the animatronic to see a prize corner some stuff toy's figurines tokens candy one of them contained a mystery box.

I see you're interested in the mystery box.

He startled you.

Um. Yes?
I'm interested?

Well the mystery price is 2000 Fazbear tickets,
There's a catch.
Once you place the tickets and you cannot get them back no matter what. understand?

You hesitated for a moment.

Let do this.

You handed the tickets to him.
He then straight up his back and he was way taller than you thought! He must be 6 ft no 7 ft tall! You don't know but all you know is he's taller than Freddy and Montgomery gator!
There was a little ticket slot in between his chest cavity and stomach cavity.
The tickets are rolling in fast.

105. 248. 376.
569. ........

He Stop counting

Did you not have

2001. Fazbear tickets.

You jumped with excitement!

Your item
Will be shipped with in tomorrow.

You were still jumping in excitement when you realize you stayed longer than you were supposed to! you run out of the daycare waving to the moon face animatronic. His face turned all the way around I think that's his version of saying goodbye.


It's been more than 5 minutes! what were you thinking! I thought you were kidnapped!

So sorry! but
I won a mystery surprise box
from the moondrop animatronic!

Creepy moon face animatronic from the daycare?

Yes yes! And he said it will be here at my house by tomorrow!

So that's why they ask for my address .... creepy.

Well we're going
home now get in the car.

You get into the car.

12/7/2022 10:36pm

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