Chapter Seven

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Ed's POV

I laid back on my bed and sighed. Lili was so awesome. She was right her Tumblr was mostly about me.

Me: Do you have a crush on me?

Lili: what no

Me: ok...

Lili: LOL

Me: I like your blog

Lili: really it's like an Ed shrine

Me: lol I've seen worse

Lili: like what

Me: some fans write smut about me.

Lili: oh... Those are........interesting

Me: You read them?!

Lili: No way!

Me: Tell the truth

Lili: ...

Me: ...

Lili: sometimes

Me: ...

Lili: there funny to laugh at! That's all!

Me: lol its fine!

Lili: Good

Lili's POV

The next day in Chemistry Ed and I sat down at the same table we say at yesterday. Ed was wearing a bright green pull over hoodie with jeans and high top sneaker. "Okay guys now first I want you to grab a test tube" Miss Evans said. I reached for the test tube at the same time Ed did. Our hand brushed and i felt my face immediately turn a light shade of red. He looked up and smiled. I smiled shyly back at him. "Sorry" I mumbled. "It's fine don't worry about it" Ed said. "Miss Evans my lab partner isn't here today" I heard Kylie fake sweet voice call out. "Okay well you can join another group" Miss Evans told her. "Shit" I mumbled under my breath. "Hi Ed hi Lili mind if I join your group" Kylie said. I was about to say no but I saw that Miss Evans was watching us. "Go ahead" I mumbled. Ed gave me a reassuring smile but I could see he was nervous as well. "So Ed wanna sit at our table today at lunch with the cool people" she asked him glaring me. "no" he said. I smirked at her. "Back off" she mouthed to me. "Why am I a threat" I mouthed back. "Yeah right you wish" she said out loud. Ed looked at me totally bewildered.

Ed's POV

"You sure you don't wanna sit with us Ed? You can sit next to me" she said. I felt a foot rub against my leg. I looked over at Lili and she was looking up at the board listening to Miss Evans. I looked back at Kylie. She gave me an innocent look. I moved my leg away. She did it again. "Can you stop that" I said showing annoyance in my voice. "Stop doing what silly" she said her hand slowly moving up my leg. "Okay class i have a meeting to go to I trust that you will all behave" Miss Evans said standing up and walking out the door. I tried to ignore Kylie until I felt her hand brush against my crotch. I cleared my throat and glared at her. She smiled back at me innocently. "What are you doing" Lili asked confused. She looked under the table. "Stop" Lili said. "Stop what" Kylie asked. "Don't touch him" she fired back. "Oh sorry didn't know you two were dating" she said. "We're not" Lili and I both said at the same time. "Just move your hand I'm not interested" I said swatting her hand away. She turned around looking embarrassed and defeated.

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