My love pt.1

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Today me and Milos were going to my house to make TikTok's and chill. "Hey Mia you ready "Milos says smiling at me. "Yeh coming but first I have to go get coffee for me and Bri." We get in the car and leave to the Cuban cafe. Bri is my bestie she has been my friend since 7th grade and she is the only one that knows how big my crush is on Milos. Me and Milos have been friends for like 3 years but I don't now if he feels the same way as me. "Mia you good I think you zoned out"Milos ask with a concerning look on his face. "Yeah just thinking that it." We get to the coffee shop and I say hi to my grandma and make me and Bri a coffee. "Milos you want anything?" I asked. "Uhh give my a white mocha frap" he says smiling at me. I finish making the coffees and say bye to my grandma. We get to my house and I open the door and see that Bri is in the living room. She runs up to my and says "we're is my coffee I am so hung over."  "Well that's a first" I say laughing. Milos walked in be hind me and Bri says "really Mia you had to bring him". I laughed and said "be nice." Bri gets her coffee and heads to her room. I look at Milos and say "what do you want to do first." Then he says "how about we just post a draft and watch movies all day." "Ok that's sound good" I say. I put on a movie in the living room then make popcorn. We watched pusy in boots my favorite movie when Bri walked in the living room and said "my girlfriend and some of her friends are coming over." "Noooo I don't like them they don now how to clean up after there self" I say anoewd. "I know that's why I came to tell you so that you won't be" Bri say back. "Ok we will just go to my room then" I say dragging Milos to my room. He looks at me and smiles. "What I say." " Oh nothing it's just that you are so cute when you do things like that."

My love Milos Where stories live. Discover now