My love pt.6

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" hey bubs  do you now where this picture is from " I asked and he just look at it for felt like forever. "Bae that is not you and me that is me and my ex" Milos says look at me. "But they said that this was yesterday" I say getting worried that she is not me or his ex. Milos did not say anything back. I then asked " Milos is this what you were doing yesterday " Milos did not answer me." Milos! Milos answer me" I started yelling at him to answer but he wouldn't he was just standing there not answering me. " fine you don't want to answer me then leave " I said throwing his shirt at him. "Bae I promise you that was not me yesterday" he says. " then who the fuck was it cuz I was not with you yesterday and I don't even now we're you were at" I say yelling at him. " that was not yesterday that was last month " he says. "Ok then way are that saying that it is you and me and if it was not you then where were you yesterday" I said still yelling out of anger. " mamas I don't now why that are saying that is me and you but I do know that yesterday I was at work " he says walked towards me trying to calm me down." Omg Milos I am so sorry I forgot that you had a job ..." I just keep ranting about how sorry I was and I should of believed him.

Milos pov

Mia was just ranting about how sorry she was for not believing me. When I saw her ranting she looked like she was about to cry but I did not now why she was so I just kissed her. When I kissed her she wrapped her arms around my waist and tucked her head in my chest then she was just hugging me. I looked at her and said it's ok I get it you were scared but I promise I will never cheat on you.

Mias pov 

I felt so bad for thinking that Milos was cheating on me. So when he fell asleep I got up and went to go make us some food. I made homemade spaghetti and bread. When I was done I went to the room and woke Milos up. "Hey bubs I have a surprise for you" I said laying on top of him. " hey babe. What is the surprise mamas" he said hugging me back. I loved it when he called me mamas it made me fell all happy in said. " you have to come see it is in the Dining room" I said get off of him. Milos pulls me back into his chest and says" I love you so much mamas". My heart melted when ever he said that " I love you more bubs" I say back. I get up and tell Milos to close his eyes and follow me. He follows me in to the Dining room and I tell him to open his eyes. When Milos opened his eyes all he said was " omg you mad me my favorite food pasta". I nodded and smiled at him. He turned around and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said " come on let's eat before it gets cold." I smiled and sat down with him and ate are pasta.

My love Milos Where stories live. Discover now