A Day in the Park

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Sonica drowsily walked down the stairs. She had woken up bright and early, even though she went to bed so late. She wanted to see her brother and sister, to make sure it wasn't just some crazy dream.

Sure enough, the two hedgehogs were fast asleep on the couch. She smiled to herself and walked into the kitchen to start breakfast. She jumped in surprise when she saw Shadow sitting at the table, dozing lightly.

"What are you doing here? Especially so early?" she whispered loudly.

Shadow half-opened one eye. "I wanted to see you."

Sonica playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Well, if you're gonna be here, make yourself useful and help me make breakfast."

Shadow yawned, exposing his sharp fangs, and got up.

Tails woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

'Sonica,' he realized. He was still half-asleep, but hunger and his bladder overcame his sleepiness and he dragged himself out of his bed. When he reached the bottom of the stairs after using the bathroom, he made sure to tiptoe as quietly as he could, so as to not wake up their guests.

"Hey there, buddy," Sonica said as she saw the fox enter. (Shadow had left when he heard Tails get up.) "You hungry?"

Tails yawned. "Yep."

"And tired too, apparently." She put the bacon down in front of him. "Here ya go. Save some for the rest of us."

This got a short chuckle out of him. "I'll try."

Sonica shook her head, grinning as Tails started to dig in. Then, she heard a noise from the living room. The cobalt hedgehog stuck her head out the door to see her brother and sister starting to wake up. "Morning, sleepy heads."

Sonia looked up at her sister. "Morning." She stood up and stretched. "That smells really good."

"Come and get some then."

Manic made his way to the kitchen. "No chili dogs?"

Sonica rolled her eyes and sat down in a seat beside Tails. "I don't eat chili dogs 24/7, for your information."

"You still eat them a lot," Tails added in-between bites.

"Yeah, yeah." She took some eggs for herself. "You guys gonna eat or not?"

Sonia took a seat next to Sonica. "Gladly."

As they ate, Sonica started telling stories of her adventures and the places she had visited.

"What about that Chaos thing that Tails mentioned yesterday?" Manic asked through a mouth full of eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

"To put it short," Sonica answered as Manic got hit by Sonia for talking with his mouth full. "A god of destruction broke out of the Master Emerald and destroyed a good part of Station Square and we stopped it."

The two stared, awestruck, for a moment, but Manic broke it very quickly. "Cool!"

Sonia seemed more worried. "What happened to the city?"

"Don't worry, it's fine," Sonica assured her. "The city recovered really quickly, plus it happened a really long time ago."

"And your eyes?" she added.

"Ummm..." To tell the truth, she wasn't entirely sure how it happened.

Luckily, Tails seemed to have an idea. "I think it might have had something to do with the Master Emerald. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with her exposure to it."

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