Witheredpaw's Encounter

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WARNING: Sexual Language and Themes, Hints of Sexual Assault, Swearing and Alcohol
This takes place a few moons after Chapter 11 of Icewillow's Greed. 

Witheredpaw, a young dark forest cat, finally snaps and pokes her head out of her den, some strange lights from the outside bothering her. 


Her voice startles someone in the bushes and they tumble to safety. However, the cat is glowing white instead of the usual red of a dark forest resident. 

"Who's there?" she calls. "Silentstrike? Is that you?" She connects the whiteness to her tall friend's snowy pelt. She waits for a moment before approaching the bush. Huddled on the other side is a black tom with deep blue eyes. 

"Why hello there..." Witheredpaw raises an eyebrow and examines his star flecked fur. "What's your name?" 

"C.. Crowsky," he murmurs. 

She chuckles. "I'm Witheredpaw." 

"Is this the dark forest? It's very... red." The StarClan cat sits up. She nods. 

"Mind if I join the bush?" 

"Well, it's not necessarily comfortable, but sure." He moves aside for her. She sits beside him and immediately presses her side against him as an excuse to touch him. 

"So you're new here?" 

Crowsky nods. "Kinda." 

"Interesting... I haven't seen you around before. I would have remembered someone as cute as you are." 

Crowsky blinks, a little confused. "Well, I've only heard of the dark forest, but I haven't actually been here before. I've had dreams about it though... I think?" 

"Well, you're lucky I found you then..." She places a paw on him and leans into his ear. "I can make your time here better than any dream..." 

"I-I mean... I don't think they were good dreams. Or bad. I don't really know, just... I saw the forest and that was it." 

"Well, I can be good... But I can be bad too...~" Witheredpaw smirks. 

"What are you doing...?" Crowsky looks back at her, clearly confused by her. 

"Just making sure that your first experience here is a good one...." She starts to lower her paw. 

"U h h h h-" He very hesitantly moves away from her. "I'm not... very interested. No offense." 

"Awwww, come on babyyyy..." She gives him a playful look. Crowsky shakes his head and stands up. 

"I've seen this place, now I-I think I'm gonna go." 

"Aww. I was looking forward to your company." She pouts at him. 

"I... don't think you even know w-who I am. But I know you, you're Witheredpaw." 

"We told each other our names, silly!" She giggles. 

"I knew who you were even before you told me your name." 

"Well, good for you." She instantly loses the flirty tone in her voice. Crowsky sighs and turns around to leave. 


Crowsky stops and looks over his shoulder at her. 

"...How's my family?" she asks. 

"I wish I knew them with the life I was given," he meows. "But... As far as I know, Gooseburr has a mate now. A she cat named Gorsepatch. She has a few kits of her own, and one of them visits us. Stressed little guy. I can connect with him." 

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