Chapter 1

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Moonkit woke up her mouth opening into a large yawn. She lay for a few moments enjoying the warmth of her mother before she stood up and left the nursery padding over to her littermates, Ebonykit and Gingerkit.

"Hi!" she says as she reaches them.

"Moonkit! You'll never guess what!" Gingerkit squeals excitedly.

"What?" she inquires.

"We become apprentices today!" Ebonykit bursts unable to hold back his excitement.

"HazelStar said so!" Gingerkit adds.

"Really! Let's go tell FlowerFeather!"

Moonnkit then rushes back to the nursery with her littermates and woke their mother who was sleeping.

"FlowerFeather! Wake Up!" She says with her littermates in unison.

"What is it my loves?" FlowerFeather answers grooming her long tortoiseshell fur.

"We're becoming apprentices today!" Moonkit squeals the loudest.

"Oh, my kits! Come here!"

Moonkit then feels FlowerFeather pulls her and her littermates closer.

"Muuuum" Moonkit whines, "Get off!"

"You will all look perfect for your apprentice's ceremony!" Moonkits mother announces proudly, lifting her by the scruff and grooming her.

FlowerFeather soon moves onto Ebonykit and Moonkit sticks her tongue out at Ebonykit.

But before her mother can complete grooming Ebonykit we hear HazelStar yowl from the clearing.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a clan meeting!"

Moonkit calmly exits the nursery although she is brimming with excitement. Who will her mentor be? Will they be good? Or will she have a grumpy mentor like BlackTail?

As she and her littermates settled down in front of their mother the clan meeting commenced.

"We have three kits ready to become apprentices! Moonkit, Ebonykit, and Gingerkit please step forward!" The leader spoke.

Moonkit steps forward alongside her siblings. Gingerkit puffed out her silver and ginger chest in pride, while Ebonykit bounced up and down excitedly and Moonkit tried to appear calm but on the inside, she was bursting with joy.

"Gingerkit come forward!" HazelStar spoke authority in his voice. "Gingerkit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Gingerpaw. Your mentor will be Brindleleg."

Brindleleg then stepped forward his blue eyes brimming with pride as he made his way over to Gingerpaw.

"I hope Brindleleg will pass down all he knows on to you."

Brindleleg and Gingerpaw then touched their noses and sat down next to each other.

"Ebonykit!" The brown tom called. "Ebonykit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ebonypaw. Your mentor will be Firestorm!"

A rusty ginger tom then came forward and touched noses with Ebonypaw.

"Moonkit," HazelStar finally called her forward, "you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Moonpaw. Your mentor will be NettleNose!"

A calico she-cat with amber eyes and long fur then stepped forward her eyes brimming with happiness.

"NettleNose this is your first apprentice, Gooseberry has trained you well and I hope you pass your loyalty and compassion onto Moonpaw."

Moonpaw then touched her nose to Nettlenoses and all her clanmates cheered her and her littermate's new names.

"Gingerpaw! Ebonypaw! Moonpaw!"

Moonpaw and her littermates beamed with pride as her mother made her way over to them giving them each a lick on the forehead!

"I'm so proud of you my kits!" She smiled.

A/N- Sorry that its just the apprentices ceremony! I just wanted to get it done with!

Thanks for reading!


Word Count- 564

Sorry its short!

Warrior Cats - Woven Fate - MoonRiseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora