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So uh... no shipping, just platonic..ness- and brotherly love, but I guess you can see it as romantic rather than platonic if you want, I don't really care that much.

All Incorrect Quotes are yoinked from one of those Incorrect Quotes generators!!

Gonna be saying 'Pigman' rather than 'Piglin'
...for obvious reasons.


Pigman: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*

Pigman: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.


Zombie: Hey guys! I drew everyones soul!

Skeleton: Why is Wither's a monster?

Pigman: Zombie, you forgot Herobrine's! Its only an empty space!

Zombie, proudly: Exactly


Wither.S: There's something I have to ask about you-know-who.

Skeleton: Voldemort?

Wither.S: No.

Skeleton: Is it Voldemort?

Wither.S: It's not Voldemort.

Skeleton: You haven’t mentioned wizards once this conversation, so I’m gonna have to assume it’s Voldemort.


Herobrine, pointing to the wall: What color is this?

Ghast: Gray.

Wither: Grey.

Herobrine, turning to Zombie: Now tell them what color you think it is.

Zombie: Dark white.


Skeleton: My father's name is just mine as well, so I'm technically Skeleton Jr.

Ghast: But who comes up when you look up Skeleton on Google?

Creeper: That's what I thought!

Ghast: One Skeleton to rule them all!


Herobrine: I didn’t even realize how sarcastic I was being. It’s starting to become a problem, I think.


Herobrine: Who the f*ck broke the toaster?

Wither: It was Enderman.

Slime: It was Enderman.

Pigman: Enderman broke it.


Enderman: ...yOU PROMISED-


Herobrine, looking at their reflection: Now, that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be?

Slime: Well, that's you.

Herobrine: Me?! Is that what I look like?

Slime: You don't know?

Herobrine: Busy day.


Skeleton: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?

Herobrine: Language.

Zombie: Yeah watch your fucking language

Enderman: Okay, who taught Zombie the fuck word?!

Wither.S: 'The fuck word'.

Creeper: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time

Zombie: Oh my god he censored it

Wither: Say fuck, Creeper.

Zombie: Do it, Creeper. Say fuck.

(Usually I censor the swears but for this one... I just couldn't alright? Swearing is literally what it's about, it's the main topic!)


Enderman: Herobrine, is that legal?

Herobrine: When there's no cops around, anything's legal!


Wither.S: You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon.

Wither.S: It's me.


Stray: Still not over how yesterday when my flight landed, our pilot said we arrived 50 minutes early because they took some "shortcuts".

Stray: Excuse me, we were in the sky, what do you mean???


Zombie: Awww, why don't you like cats, Creeper? They're just snuggly buddies! They have toe beans! They make a little blep! What's not to love??

Creeper: I don't know Zombie, I just prefer to be conscious instead of dead on the floor.


Creeper: I'm ALLERGIC.

(I don't think he is but imagine if he was... you know what that would make a lot of sense actually)


Enderman: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.

Pigman, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, f*ck you.


Skeleton, at Zombie's funeral: I need a moment with him.

Everyone: Of course. *They leave*

Skeleton, leaning over Zombie′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little sh*t. I know you’re not dead.

Zombie: Yeah, no sh*t.

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