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    a year ago.

  "so that's it? you're just- just gonna leave it at this?" the boy criticized, his voice cracking and tears welling in his eyes that threatened to spill.

     the girl on the other line stayed quiet. he couldn't see it, but she shrugged at his words.

     he scoffed, looking up at the ceiling attempting to force himself not to cry. she could care less about him, and he was about to cry over her? "i just don't get it, y/n. we can work this out, i know we can. i know you're better than this, i know you can change! i know-"

"kenma." y/n interrupted, "you don't know me like you think you do. you only know the stuff i LET you know. you only saw the part of me that i LET you see. i lied to you this whole time. i liked your attention, ken. how can you not see that?"

"i do!" kenma burst, "i do see that, but if you would just put the time and effort into this that i know you have, we could be so good, y/n. so, so good."

y/n sighed heavily as she took her phone off her ear and set it to speaker phone. "kenma... we aren't even dating."

"but we were going to."

there was a pause before y/n responded, "were we really?"


"i wish you the best kenma. sincerely, i do. but the best cannot be brought out of you with me in the picture. i'm sorry. i'm gonna block you now." y/n concluded before hanging up the phone, and doing exactly as she said she would.

a year later.

kenma groaned as he stretched his limbs over his best friend's bed, putting an arm over his eyes before throwing his phone across the room.

"um...?" his his dark haired friend hummed.

kenma peeked over to the taller male he was staring at him with an inquisitive look. "kuroo, i hate relationships." was all he said before looking away, and putting an arm back over his eyes.

"what? what's wrong? i thought you and that yachi girl were going good?" kuroo faltered.

kenma huffed out of frustration, "yeah, we were! but... i don't know... i always mess it up. she keeps saying i'm too 'nonchalant'. i don't know. i'm just scared, dude. i don't wanna get hurt again, y'know?"
his frustration was justified. he was scared, and he was just looking out for himself, even if the way he was doing it wasn't the best course of action. kenma had not completely healed the emotional scars that y/n had given him; he knew that, but he thought he could tough it out this time. obviously not. he was being distant with yachi, not opening up to her; not being vulnerable with her and hesitating to submit his feelings to her. kenma knew it wasn't fair, but he couldn't help it, he was just so scared. and it wasn't as if the boy didn't like her, he did, he really did. he was just being safe.

protecting himself.

"well, do you want my opinion on the matter?" kuroo questioned, posturing up in the seat he was sat in.

kenma nodded, halfway already knowing what kuroo was going to say: the same thing he'd told him ten times before.

"i think you need to stop rushing yourself into these things. this happened with the last girl, and now you're doing it again for the same reason. and all because of a girl that hurt you... what, a year and a half ago?"

"it's only been a year."

"one year, 365 days, one whole orbit around the sun- whatever. that doesn't matter," kuroo stressed, "what matters is that it's been way too long and the girl that fucked you over still has an affect on your actions with girls that are completely unrelated to what happened."

there was a pause after his words. one half of kenma knew kuroo was right, but the other half wanted to choke the lanky boy for trying to rush him into forgetting about y/n. he didn't still have feelings for her, but at one point, he was completely in love with her for everything she was and stood for. being in love is hard to get over, kuroo had to admit. "so what should i do then, wise one." kenma asked sarcastically, sitting up from his spot on the others mattress.

"i think you should apologize to yachi and take her out or something. maybe on a small date. show her that you care for her, and you're trying." kuroo said thoughtfully.

for once in kenma's life, he actually thought of something kuroo said as smart, and decided to take his advice. the very next day, kenma had taken the girl out to the city where they spent a day at the park, riding bikes, and getting food. it was a cute date, and they both enjoyed themselves; and at the end of the night, he'd even got a kiss from her. the day went great, and he realized how much he actually liked yachi. when the blond-ish boy got back home, he called his friends and told him about the day he had, to which they all had positive reactions.

"that's great!" kuroo said warmly. "see what happens when you listen to me?"

"thank god he did this time," his friend yaku chuckled, "so, do you think you'll finally be able to stop thinking about what that other girl did and go about your relationship like a normal person?"

kenma cracked a small smile before his phone buzzed, and his face dropped.

instagram: @y/nlovesu wants to send you a message.

a fraction of a second later, the notification disappeared before he could tap on it. he swipped down on his screen in attempts to bring up his notifications center and find the message through there, but it'd disappeared.

could he have imagined it? this had to be some type of joke, right?


|new book? whos gna stop me? nbdy !!! - luv juno

ghost me ; k. kozumeWhere stories live. Discover now