chapter 1

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# dream XD's pov#

I was hovering above the ground, questioning every decision I've made this past couple weeks, why you'd ask? Well I've been watching a mortal and I fucking cought feelings for him, yeah I've been in denial for long enough, today me dream XD the god of nightmare is going to present himself for a mortal oh and I just realized I haven't said the name of said mortal, well it's George not found because why'd it be anyone else?! I've fallen in love with the most annoying person on the smp!  Why!? Why is this happening to me?! I fronw under my mask finally in front of the house of the mortal that my entire body has been desiring for the past few weeks, I knok on the door with a plan in mind

George: sapnap if it's you at this time at night I'm going to- .... Dream why are you wearing a costume at my door? It's like mid night

Dream XD: I'm sorry to inform you that I'm infact not dream but dream XD

George: dream... Did you loose your mind? Why tf would the good of nightmare be at my house at mid night? Bye

As George was about to close the dor I summon one of my spare hands and hold the door

XD: wait!

George: .... Okay what the actual fuck is happening?

XD: I said I was XD you were the one not believing

George: oh fuck um....

I see him getting very nervous very quickly

XD: don't worry most of the rumors you heard about me are false that includes; if you see me you'll die in the next week and seeing me means bad luck because why the fuck would I apear to people just to curse them

George: okay um that doesn't explain why you're at my door

XD: I've been watching you for the past couple weeks, and I have seen that you're having a very difficult time getting all you mending books so I'm here to make a offer

George: I'm listening

XD: I can do anything with you for one night, and you get all your mending books plus full netherite armor and tools

George: oh... Um what do you intend on doing with me, because netherite tools are useless if you are dead

XD: um... I don't intend on killing you that's for sure

George: I don't really like where this is going

XD: and... I'll only do things with your consent but remember! No more mining for netherite!

I see George really considering what I said Wich makes me so happy

George: okay... I think I'll regret this latter but whatever I hate the nether anyways, here enter

He opens a space for me to enter his mushroom house I enter it and he closes the door, I turn to him blushing under my mask I go near him and rest my hands in his waist

George: oh yeah, this is going the way I thought this was going, I just didn't think that gods had sexual needs

XD: we do... And you've been giving me to much trouble with that

I rest my head on the curve of his neck I was way taller than him so I had to kinda crouch donw

George: just so you know I've only been payed money for this types of service so you are special okay?

XD:  you know the expirence with a god is very different than with a human

George: yeah yeah

He sounded very annoyed to say the least but I was determined to make him like this whole thing by the end of it. I summon my spare hands while still resting the ones atached to my arms on his hips one of them gently covers his eyes while I take of my maks and kiss his neck

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