shes so perfect. (chap 1/ intro)

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hello, i guess. my name is camila and well, i'm the funny friend.. though i do not like the role, i am far from attractive. and i hate to say it but especially when i compare myself to amara.

amara is gorgeous, long blonde hair. (not to mention it is natural) a slim body, just with gorgeous curves that drives all the boys insane. i love how one day, her hair is straight , the next it is wavy and gorgeous with no effort.

but of course, i admire these things about amara secretly. otherwise, my friends would call me weird. since i am nothing but the funny friend. i just sometimes wish i had amaras features , she's so gorgeous and perfect.

then i come back to reality. because in reality, im not half as good as her. my hair is black. completely black ever since i was born. my figure is a bit chubby , but most of my weight is my thighs. and well, that's the truth.
another thing to snap back into reality, is that amara is my sworn enemy. she hates me, i pretend to hate her,. though in secret, i glance at her from my desk in science class. but of course, she will never ever know this. for i am keeping it to myself.

"CAMILA!!" i hear a familiar voice.
"huh? what's going on..?"
then, i go blurry for a second or two. finally when i can see, i see ma.
"ma?? what's going on?"

"i'll explain everything later, mi amor."

and that's when i recognize myself on a hospital bed, in a hospital gown.

word count : 300
eee! i really like this so far!
well this was short ,. since it was just an intro
to our main character , camila.
anyways stay safe!
xoxo hayls

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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