8 week prego

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Hey sorry I have not wrote in awhile just had been busy. The pregnancy is okay having some struggles but that is expected. For only being 8 weeks I am huge compared to others. I have gain 10 pounds hoping I will gain at least 20 to 30. The doctors say I will not make it all nine months probably 8 months is the longest he will let me go me and Caleb a happy marred silver is with her grandmother and me and Caleb are in France having a fantastic time. Silver is doing fantastic to me and Caleb have video chats with her like we talk to her and stuff. I am finally 16 lol and I am getting a kitten . I know what you all are thinking why get a kitten when you have 1 baby and pregnant with two. This is why ever since I was 5 years old I have wanted one. I figured why not just get on when all of the children are young so they can grow up with each other.

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