Mr. Mayfly

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His lids, crusted and dry, fluttered open as the light peaked behind the curtains- shining right into his almond-coloured eyes. A brief moment of confusion was immediately replaced by a sinking feeling of losing something. 

What Mr. Mayfly felt, is similar to losing your glasses, or misplacing your wallet. He, rather comically, scratches the back of his head and starts to explore this familiar- yet foreign room. Everything in the room was symmetrical. From the coffee table with two coasters placed perpendicularly to the vase at the center, to the queen-sized bed directly parallel to said table.

He walks around slowly, still very much confused with his surroundings. Yet, he felt no reason to be alarmed. The room itself, felt very much like 'home'. 

'Should probably get breakfast.' He thought nonchalantly. He proceeded to open the cupboard right above the sink.

Opening it, he saw a cereal box placed at the center of the cupboard- perfectly within his reach. He grabbed one of two bowls that were placed neatly next to the sink, noting that the bowls were placed next to each other, rather than stacked up. He also noticed the bowl on the left, the one closer to the sink- was covered in a layer of dust. 

'Weird' He thought. He shrugged and continued to make himself a bowl of 'Honey Stars'. He finished off his bowl and sat at the right side of his couch. He stared into space, not quite sure what to do next. He was starting to worry. 'Damn it why can't I remember?' He tried to focus all his energy into remembering something. Anything.


Nothing. Electing to go on a walk to gather his thoughts, he stood up and made his way into the wild new world.


Los Angeles. The overpriced Mecca of expensive cultural delights, but never quite as good as the real thing. He walked down the streets of Lafayette, purely by instinct. He was hoping that his memories would simply return to him. With no decision made, he made several lefts and rights until he reached a dainty little café. 

'Am I a coffee guy? Nah, I'll get a Chamomile or something.' Letting his pure instinct- or in this case, intrusive thoughts, guide his day.

From the gap of the glass door, he could already smell the strong roasted scent of coffee. The aroma was rich and brusque, lightly tingling his nose hairs as it sends a miniscule taste of caffeine straight into his brain. ' guy' he mouthed to himself.

As he open those glass doors, he was immediately drawn to the hazelnut pearls that shown through the brick-walled café. The lady was on the opposite side of the room, and yet- it was as though she was right next to him. It was the woman at the counter. She had long, brunette hair- tied into a functional bun. She wore transparent-framed glasses and had adorable freckles painted across her visage. The part that enticed our Mayfly? Was the pleasant and warm smile that was plastered on her face.

He stared on, mouth gaped slightly. The music playing in the café acted like a backdrop like some sappy music video. That's when he realised he was staring, and the people around him were staring at him as well. He feigned a cough and found the nearest seat. Despite knowing how creepy this might come off, he kept sneaking glances at the mysterious beauty at the counter.

As he finally gained the courage to talk to the lass, a muscular blonde man wearing what could only be the café uniform, walked right towards his table- albeit aggressively.

"What up dawg." Said the 'brolic' individual. 

'Ew.' thought Mr. Mayfly.

"Wanna try out our new 'Jolly Gin Giant' drink my mans?" The name tag that reads 'Rick' seemed so small across his giant chest. 'A bit early for alcohol...' Thought Mr. Mayfly.

Mr. MayflyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin