Preperations and Potions

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As the first rays of morning sunlight filtered through the castle's towering windows, I found myself descending into the dimly lit dungeons for my initial class of the day, a double potions session led by none other than the enigmatic Professor Snape. With each step down the stone staircase, I meticulously adjusted the finer details of my uniform, ensuring it presented a picture of precision.

This particular Friday had been eagerly anticipated, harboring the promise of a reprieve from the turbulent week. Ever since my brother's ill-fated decision to dispatch that ominous letter to my mother, my mornings had become a haunting ordeal. The mere glimpse of Elara sent shivers down my spine, my heart racing in trepidation of an accompanying howler.

Nights had been plagued by a tormenting insomnia, my restless slumber perpetually disturbed by the unrelenting weight of anxiety pressing upon my chest. Cold sweat often left my sheets damp, and I would jolt awake, tangled in my disheveled uniform, my eyes encumbered by the heavy burden of exhaustion.

This Saturday, I yearned for the possibility of reclaiming lost sleep, to mend the disarray that clung to me like a shadow.

The dungeon unfolded before me like a hidden world of enchantment. Vibrant green moss thrived within the ancient fissures of the stone, casting an enchanting emerald hue across the lengthy corridor. As I ventured deeper, a briny aroma, reminiscent of seaweed and lake water, greeted my senses, transporting me to an underwater realm.

The flickering torches that adorned the cobblestone walls cast an intricate dance of shadows upon the uneven floor. As students and professors passed, these silhouettes transformed into mythical creatures and enigmatic shapes, weaving a tapestry of mysteries. Their wavering flames offered the sole respite from the pervasive chill that crept along the corridor, an inadequate defense against the icy tendrils that sent shivers racing up and down my spine, causing every hair on my neck to stand erect.

At the end of the corridor, an open door beckoned my curiosity. Silently, I peered inside, scanning for signs of life within. The room's number confirmed my destination.

High-reaching shelves adorned one wall, cradling jars filled with viscous liquids and anatomical remnants of creatures, creating an eerie tableau. Above, the ceiling echoed the mossy cobblestone motif, but the crisscrossing support beams painted a unique diamond pattern.

In the room's center, tall desks encircled by six stools awaited, each paired with a gleaming cauldron. Dim light filtered through small windows, casting a feeble glow upon these polished vessels. At the far end of the room, a solitary cauldron claimed a longer desk, overshadowed by a chair laden with haphazardly scribbled books.

Adjacent, a blackboard stood, adorned with chalk. Before several cupboards, sizable basins reigned, their form sculpted into that of a gargoyle, wings draped protectively around the basin, and claws gripping a protruding pipe that funneled water seamlessly, an eternal flow.

I hesitantly tiptoed into the classroom, apprehensive that Professor Snape might notice my sudden presence. My confidence grew as I ventured deeper, searching for an ideal spot to place my belongings. After setting my bag down and arranging my materials on the desk, I caught the echoing footsteps approaching down the hallway. I prepared myself for a possible encounter with Professor Snape, but to my surprise, it was a flushed Hermione Granger who appeared.

Instead of entering the classroom, she lingered at the entrance, peering at her wristwatch and impatiently tapping her heel against the stone floor. She leafed through her potions textbook a couple of times, the satisfying crack of the book's spine filling the air, before adjusting her uniform in nervous anticipation. Her fidgeting ceased abruptly as the sound of a group of approaching footsteps reached us.

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