M-seizures pt.2

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Get ready.....

Nick POV:

"I'm sorry to give you this news but Matt Sturniolo is in a coma." 

I can't breathe. I look at Chris and he starts crying and we all hug each other. 

"There is a 15% chance he will wake up from the coma from a surgery we are trying."

My mom signs the paper to do the surgery. I can't believe Matt is in a  coma.

4 hours later: 

Matt's surgery had finished and we could see him. I was excited to see him, but in my stomach there was a bit of fear. 

Chris, my mom, and I all walk into Matt's room. He is hooked up to a bunch of machines thta help him breathe. 

"Oh my gosh." I hear my mom and Chris say.  

We all stare at Matt in awe as we say our brother fighting for his life. I cannot even except the fact he is in a coma. I can't bare to see him like this.

3 weeks Later: 

Chris POV:

Matt sadly passed away 2 days later after surgery. I cannot even describe the sadness I feel. It doesn't even feel real. 

The funeral is today.

 Nick and I are getting ready in our bathroom. We tie our ties and look at each other. 

"Matt would want us to keep going." Nick says softly. 

A tear falls down his face and I embrace Nick in a hug as we sob into each other's arms.

We get to the funeral and it is packed. Everyone is silent as they take the casket down the center. 

I hold onto Nick as we see our brother get sent away in a casket. 

I go up to the microphone and speak. 

"I would like to say some things about my brother and to my Matt. Matt was the kind of person that understood you. He was always there for me and I loved that about him. Whenever I was stressed or anxious he would be there to comfort me . He changed so many lives through our youtube channel. I cannot even express how grateful I am that I had Matt in my life. Now to Matt, you are my angel. I love you so much and I will miss me you and Nick taking Trevor on walks, filming our youtube content, and laughing at 3am to each other's jokes. I love you more than anything." 

By the time I finish I am sobbing and I walk off to my seat. 

3 years later:

Nick POV:

I write in my diary: Matt we miss you so much. Chris and I don't do youtube anymore, but still do Instagram. Chris has an album coming out today in honor of you. We miss you everyday. It's not the same anymore without your smiling face around the house. Chris and I love you so much. 

I finish and start to cry. Chris comes in and gives me a hug. 

"Hey, it's okay Nick." 

I look at Chris, "I know I just miss him so much." "I wish he could see my diary."

"He's smiling from heaven." Chis  says smiling with tears on his cheeks. 

AAHHHHH! I'm crying!! this is the saddest thing I have ever written. Please tell me if you enjoyed it. Comment some ideas for more oneshots. I love you all so much.!

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