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"Lezbihonest..." I heard the TV screen recite the infamous line from Pitch Perfect. My blinks were getting slower and my eye lids becoming heavier as sleep called my name, but I ignored it. I couldn't sleep. Partially because of Camila's snoring, but mainly because my wild thoughts racing through my mind. I still have no clue what I want to do in life. I mean, we did purposely miss our graduation for no reason. I have a full ride to Uni on an music scholarship, but what about after that? The chances of actually meeting my soulmate within four years is slim to none compared to how many human beings are on this earth. What's the point of happiness, when you have no one to share it with? Sure I have my friends, but what about someone to share your thoughts and feelings with behind closed doors? The intimacy, that I would never have. I looked at the time on my phone, which read 1:37 AM. Not being able to keep my eyes open any longer, I put my phone down and looked around at my three friends, thinking how lucky they are before shutting my eyes.


Zendaya was peacefully fast asleep in her zebra snuggie in the seat next to me, while I sat there wide awake. A small sliver of hope had arisen inside of me as of about a half hour ago. There might be hope for me. That was quickly shot down by the followup thought of the billions of people in the world. Sighing, I took out my headphones and chose my soothing playlist and hit shuffle.

You looked at me, with certainty
I couldn't look away
Took your jacket off like
Like you were here to stay
Chasin your pretty thoughts
And your plastic love
There goes my mind
Let it go
You're that lace trimmed danger
One day you'll be the face of a stranger

I couldn't look away
Chasin your pretty thoughts
You're mine
You're sinkin in my soul
Chasin your pretty thoughts

I almost lulled myself to sleep when the image passed my mind again. Pale skin, full lips, sparkling bright eyes, lying on a pillow. I carefully picked the drawing from my back pocket and stared at it, tracing her lips with my fingers. Just as I felt my eyes welling up, the plane shook violently and the lights flickered. My hands immediately found the arm rests of my seat and I saw Zendaya wake up almost instantly, both our eyes wide as an ocean. The turbulence caused much confusion, panic, and worry in the cabin. The capitans voice then came on the intercom in a calm tone, with worry laced in it.

"Attention, this is your capitan speaking. The planes left wing is having some technical difficulty, and we have called in for an emergency landing in Texas. Your flight attendants will be ar-" He was cut off by a loud boom. The lights shut off. I looked at Zendaya and found her hand, tears threatening to fall from both of our eyes. Again I heard the captains voice.

"Attention! The planes left wing is gone, and we are 13 miles away from the airport. Follow the flight attendants instructions for an immediate emergency landing." The flight attendants fought there way from seat to seat to make sure everyone's mask was on properly and told everyone to tuck their heads between their legs and wrap their arms around their head. We did as we were told, and I felt my stomach drop as if we were on a roller coaster. We were going down. Everyone on the plane was either screaming or crying, but no one moved their position. I could feel the planes nose tip downward, my head bumping the seat in front of me. I never let go of Zendaya's hand. Tears were streaming down my face as I heard someone yell here we go! Before we crashed, and everything was loud, then went black.


"What time is he getting here?" Ally asked from Mani's lap. We were going to go shopping with Luis, but as usual, he was late.

"20 minutes ago." I replied, falling back on my bed. Why was he taking so long?

"I'll call him." Normani said, shuffling from under Ally. He didn't pick up the first time she called, but he did the next time.

"Luis, where the hell a-" She was cut off. Her face contorted from annoyance, to confusion, to worry.

"I'm, I'm...oh my god. Should we come? Are they okay? Why didn't you tell us about th-okay. I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later. Bye Lu." She sighed, ending the conversation with the click of a button. A confused expression met all of our faces as we turned to Normani.

"So, apparently, Luis' cousin and her friend were supposed to stay with him for a little over a year," she said playing with the ends of her hair.

"And he said, their plane went down."

"What?" Me, Ally, and Camila said at once.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but he said they crash landed somewhere in Texas. They're in a hospital there, and he flew there to go see them."

What. The. Hell.




I didn't proofread btw so sorry for mistakes

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