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It's almost been a month since I left Paris, my hometown to live in Stockholm. Moving out in a total different country for a year can be scary but for the moment i'm doing well. Moreover, it's not my first time leaving my country for an entire year, and this time I'm not even alone. Yes, don't ask me how and how we had been so lucky but all 4 of me and my best friends are living this erasmus year in Stockholm. For the moment, we're not really following the cliché of erasmus students : never attend classes, only partying with international students. Amber, Melissa, Mary and me attended a total of 100% of our classes and only partied twice with other erasmus students. I know, it's not really the purpose of a year in a foreign country to do it with your best friends and just the 4 of you, but we've never been like any other students and our goal was mostly to have a fun year, leaving Paris, discovering a new country and not really get a perfect english and partying in the international students dorms every night.

 I know, it's not really the purpose of a year in a foreign country to do it with your best friends and just the 4 of you, but we've never been like any other students and our goal was mostly to have a fun year, leaving Paris, discovering a new co...

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However, here we are, wednesday night at a club in, apparently, the best neighborhood of Stockholm. It has to be around 1:20am, I was dancing and having fun with Mel, Amber and Maggie when I felt a hand on my waist and a head next to mine « Hey, you're not from here aren't you ? »

« No, is it that obvious ? » I laugh quickly.

The guy looks me quickly up and down « Not really, I just heard you spoke a foreign language »

« I see » I nod.

« What's your name ? »

« Lila »

« Lila ? » He asks for confirmation.

« Yes » I nod « And you ? »

« Omar. How old are you Lila ? »

« 20, almost 21 » I smile proudly.

« Why almost ? » Omar laughs quickly.

« I'm turning 21 in like 12, 11 days »

« That really is soon indeed »

« How old are you ? » I return the question.

« 23 » I nod « Good answer ? » I didn't understand so I asked him to repeat.

« That's alright » I laugh.

« Wanna sit to chat a little bit ? »

I look for a second at my friends « Sure, one minute". I tell Amber « I'm going to sit for a bit » She looks next to me to Omar and smiles « Alright, text if you don't find us » I nod.

Omar is holding my hand and leads us to a sofa where i sit to his left and he lets go the soft grip he had on my left hand. "So, what are you doing in Sweden Lila ?"

« I'm on erasmus, studying law »

« That's nice, in Stockholm ? »

« Yes at Stockholm University »

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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