•How you meet•

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It's Sunday, you here the girls screaming outside of the small coffee shop, you didn't think much about it you just kept reading "Paper Towns" by John Green, and sipping your coffee...
You heard the little chime that the coffee shop door makes when you open it, you look up from your book and see a tall blonde with a cute lip ring. He smiles at you and you give him a half smile back. Then you return to your book.
You glance from the corner of your eyes and see him ordering his drinks. He turns around, and you quickly get back to your book.

After getting his coffee he comes toward you.

"Uh- hi, I'm Luke" he says in an Australian accent.

You look up from your book.

"Y/N" you say with a smile.


It's winter and you don't feel like putting anything cute on so you put on your sweat pants, sweatshirt , messy bun & converse and run out the door to go meet your friend Jake at the movies, you've been dying to see the movie Unfriended,

You fill up your popcorn and drink , and walk over to the candy stand, you look at your phone, not looking where your going...

"Oh I am so sorry!" You tell the guy, you just ran into, making him spill his drink.

"It's okay mate" he said with a cute smile.

"Uh- let me buy you another drink" you say embarrassed.

"No-no, it's fine it was an accident" he says sweetly.


"Y/N" you say with a smile.

"Do you always dress like this to go places?" He says with a laugh.

"No, just a lazy day."

"Awh- that's to bad" he says with a playful sigh.


Your jogging, like you do every morning on a Saturday. You decide to take a new route because your getting tired of your old one. You decide to take the route through the park and around the block. You jog while listening to your "morning jog playlist" , not paying attention you fall over a stump, but you were caught by a sweaty brown hair boy. He was cute, very cute.

"Thank you" you say.. Running off.

The boy runs ahead of you and turns around, stopping me.

"Thank you?" He says sarcastically.

"Uh- yeah, what do you want a standing ovation" you say annoyed, you don't usually act like this but today's been stressful.

"No, but your number would be nice." He says with a smirk.

You smile, and say sorry,

"I don't usually act like this but today's been stressful" you say reassuringly.

"That's good to know" he says with a smile.


You go to 5sos concert, your in the front row. The one you have a crush on winks at you, you think nothing about it thinking he winks at everyone, and keep dancing. The concert ends and you walk to the restroom, you don't really know where your going.. And then you hear

"Uh- the restroom is that way" you turn around to see who it was, and it was Michael.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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