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Though I walk through
The valley of death
Be it by day
When I'm snowed under
Or by night, in Hypnos' arms
I shall feel fear for no evil
For I'm constantly at war with one

Many a times I've been
Held by it's cold grip
Too often, I've been pushed
To my end, ready to shed
My shield and embrace defeat
Cause I made myself believe
There was no fight left in me

But then, who said
Redemption falls down
To any mans' feet
Good things come to those
Who can wait on them, i hear
But that sermon was not as
Pronounced as now

How in the bleakest niche
Where darkness is winning
The crusade, I had to find
That invisible light within
Cause I willed to stay unblinded
By the shadows till Grace reaches me
And put my back to my feet, Again.

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