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When I stepped out of the shower, and headed back to my room, she was there.

She stood very still at the sight of me.

Looking at her, all I felt was remorse. I made her carry my wounds and my pain, even actively inflict some onto her just to get a message across. What does that say about me? Selfish, for sure. Cruel? Inhumane? Twisted?

A monster?

Still, when the time came, she healed me in a snap, so I could carry myself out of the dumpster fire that was my rescue mission. Meadows never wanted to get me out, so I ended up having to do all the heavy lifting myself. I'm pretty much only alive because of her. She made me invincible, yet all I gave her in return were pain and suffering.

I wanted to apologize to her. But how do you even begin to apologize for something this grave and this vile?

So instead of sorry, I said, voice light as a feather, "hey, Darlin'."

After what felt like a short eternity, she took off, in a sprint, from the other end of this narrow hallway, and flew straight into my arms.

I caught her.

She still hasn't spoken a word, but I felt everything she wanted to say.

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