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A/N: Hi guys! Thank you for clicking on this little story I made out of the blue.

Based on my fanfic story: Unspoken Love Letter [NAMGI]
Names have changed, plot and story are still the same

If you would like to read the fanfic version of this story, it can be found on my other account TheQuietLoser13 , or AO3 under my account TheQuietLoser

Here's the thing, I like this person at school and I've been having some feelings about that so I honestly just wrote this quick entry for myself. And I thought it was a nice story to tell so here it is!


(1585 words)

Dear Dennis,

I should be going to sleep right now but as usual, I can't because I'm thinking of you. It's not in a creepy way, just my mind is wondering, asking myself how you are doing, if you're mad at me, that sort of thing.

You know, it's funny.

I've had 3 years to find you in school and yet, you appeared in my life in my final year of high school. To think, I could have met you any other day but no, this year was our year.

You know what else is funny?

The fact that I never thought this would happen to me. To us.

I honestly don't even remember how we got close.

I met August, your brother, first during rehearsals. And then one day, you showed up at rehearsals too and I knew I recognized you from somewhere but I couldn't place where. That's when it clicked in my head then, you were the boy that sat in front of me during math class.

Since then, every time you turned around to talk to me, it brought joy to my day, I guess. God I can't believe how fucking cheesy this sounds.

You were the talker at times and I was your listener. Oftentimes, our conversions would be about your crushes.

I didn't mind.

I liked teasing and flustering you by joking around. And it made me happy seeing you happy so... yeah.

I have a confession I never told you though.

During rehearsal when you weren't there, Roman told me someone liked me. I asked him not to tell me who it was because I didn't want to invade the person's privacy. All he said was that it was a boy and he was a year younger than me. And see, this was around the time I was figuring out I might actually like boys.

Crazy right???

I will admit that on that night, I was scrolling through YouTube and I saw a video on how to make an origami flower and I thought about giving it to my secret admirer. I never did though because my brother brought up the point that I didn't know who it was.

Anyways, back to the story. Weeks later, Roman did end up telling me it was you, that you like me and he knew because August had told him! "Hey, Dennis likes Cole," he said. Can you believe that??

So now I knew... but I doubted your feelings honestly. Because like... why would you like me, I have nothing to offer. So I just let it go, you know? I never said anything and I kinda moved on.

Well, no actually, I didn't.

I did a lot of thinking, and I mean A LOT of thinking.

I thought about you and me... but mostly you.

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