Rainy Night

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Under the light pole, on the wet bench, she sat all alone. A bright halo surrounded her. Unkempt hair stuck to the sides of her face and her forehead due to the pouring rain. Shoulders drooped under her drenched raincoat. Hands clenched in two stubborn fists that lay at each side from her. Fingernails dug deeply into the soft skin of her palms. The edges of her black-polished nails turned blue and her knuckles pale.

It was an unbearably cold night, yet she was burning with ineffable rage. Rain refused to cease pouring heavily on her already burdened shoulders. Her whole frame trembled suddenly but quickly regained her previous composed state. Standing up, few drops raced down her coat reaching the hem and leaping into nothingness…

Not too fast, but not too slow, she walked with unsteady steps. Her deformed shadow appeared and disappeared, constantly following her along the way. It showed up on the dimly-lit pavement like a ghost swaying to the melodies of the pitter-pattering rain.

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