Spiritomb and Ursaluna

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Hihi! Well sorry for the long time for this chapter! I was playing Scarlet and Violet and im excited for the anime that will come soon, to continue the Adventures with ash! , anyways lets get into the chapter!

And also... I wanna have a word and say goodbye to Ash... My childhood hero that leaves the anime after 25 years i cannot really express my feelings but... Thanks for everything


"Be careful Pikachu! We already had problems with some Spiritombs in the past but let's give this one a good battle! " ash says as Pikachu nods

Spiritomb started with a Dark Pulse that Pikachu managed to Dodge, but then Spiritomb did something strange and then Pikachu felt in Pain, what Spiritomb used was curse, making Pikachu to start loosing health,which made ash to make Pikachu to return, and sends out Sycther with a Plan in mind

Using Sycther's speed and good habilities, he could dodge the curse, Pikachu could do the same but Curse caught them off guard, so he had to changed it a bit, sycther ended up falling because of an Hypnosis, making ash to return it too

"Alright.. This is getting kinda of Hard, Ready Zorua?" Ash Looked at Zorua that nodded, and jumped into the battle dodging the Hypnosis, And using Bitter malice making Spiritomb frozen but not for long, so ash Threw the Pokeball that caught Spiritomb

Ash sighed Grabbing the Pokeball with a smile "Yeah! I caught a Spiritomb, thought it was a hard battle, lets just rest for today" Ash returned Zorua too and just retrieved to make a little camp on those ruins

The next day, Ash decided to head to a campfire that he saw in the distance, thinking that they were maybe the thieves, which made him to wake up Pikachu and head to that place, arriving after a short time

"Seems like they left early... Lets see if Zorua can" Before ash continued a Smoke ball hitted the floor "Or not, Pikachu! " Pikachu used thunderbolt to the floor but hitted nothing

"You fool kid, trying to hit an attack without seeing anything" The voice of a woman could be heard, but she was not alone, once the smoke faded, ash could see them

"You fool kid,  trying to hit an attack without seeing anything" The voice of a woman could be heard, but she was not alone, once the smoke faded, ash could see them

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"That uniform... Hmm team Galaxy, a new one that just wants to play hero? " The one with Blue Hair, that kinda reminded ash Of Saturn, went ahead with a Pokeball

"I came here to get back the missed part from the ruins! So give it back! " Ash smiled taking out a Pokeball, and that Blue Haired did the same before Introducing themselves, coin clover and charm, Coin being the one that battles Ash

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