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♡Yasmine pov♡

I woke up to my alarm going off, so I stopped it and did my morning routine.

20 minutes later

I got dressed and put on the birth sash and posted a picture.

I got dressed and put on the birth sash and posted a picture

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

whyluv.yaz-Happy birthday to me💋

Liked by: 2smooth.von, noluv4.shaun, the.ants, nohate.di, mak.hai, shawn.the_man, cant.stop.tris, dis_trinity, dont.play_w_koya, luvkodie, miyah.pooh, gennywho and 40k others


2smooth.von: Happy 18th birthday bae
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Gennywho:Happy birthday stinka💋💋💋
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Dis_trinity:Happy birthday lil sis
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Luvkodie:Happy birthday girl
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(Ion feel like typing the rest plus imagine she was inside and it's a mirror pic🙂)

I was receiving so many notifications from Instagram, so I muted them and walked out my room. I walked to the so auntie paris holding the same baby from yesterday and a cake in front of her and uncle blu hold stakes of cash.

"Yll do this every time but the new is something new, who baby is dat?" I asked. "This is sinister daughter" she said, "So is he ready to go or what cause I still gotta pick up di and shawn then go get some food" I said. "You gonna leave with getting ya money?" Uncle blu said, "You know ian finna do that" I said laughing.

"It's 10k this time yaz" he said, "You giving me the rest after school huh" I said taking the money and putting it in my mini black bookbag. "Yea but you know normally it's 30k but I bought you shoes" he said then sin came out his room. "Bye ma" he said kissing his daughter forehead, then we left out. We got in my car, but I forgot the chain I always wear. Good thing Ian pull off yet, I went back in the house and went to my room to get it and went back out outside to my car.

I got inside the car and pulled off.

At Dioni and De'shawn house

I pulled up to di and shawn house and texted shawn I'm outside. We waited until they came out, when I seen door and it was them. "Ummm sinister if you don't mind can you sit I the back so my friend and sit up here" I asked him then he got out and got in the back. Di and shawn got in the car, "Damn it took yll forever" I said rolling my eyes at di.

"Don't do that yk ion like getting up early in the morning" di said, "I swear I god di if I'm not able to get breakfast for yll ima be mad asf" I said pulling off. "Yk you can't be mad and my fine ass" She said checking herself out in the side mirror.

Di was otp with the gang so they can tell me there order, I ordered there food then asked sin what he wanted to eat. "Sinister what you want" I asked looking back at him, "Ion want nun" he said with a mug on his face. "Can I please have another set of pancakes please" I asked the person working at the drove through.

"What to drink?" The person asked, "A apple juice please" I said. Then they told me the total and to pull up at the next window, I pulled up the the next window and gave them the money and then went to the next window to get the food.

"Thank you" I told the lady handing me the food, "No problem and happy birthday" she said. "Thank you again" then I pulled off to the school.

At school

I pulled up to the school and parked the car. Me, di and shawn saw the gang outside the school waiting for us, we all walked to the cafeteria to eat our food before school started. Everyone got there food then I handed sinister his food, then some random people called his name then he walked up to them. I saw him dap them up then walked off, "Do he know them?" Tris asked me.

"I guess so" I said, "But di that kinds look like shootah and lil boo" I said. "Who?" Genny asked, "Shootah and lil boo is someone me and sinister are friends with" I said. "That's until you moved here right?" Tris asked, "Yea until I moved here and met yll" I said.

"Explain about dis lil used to be friend group of yours" khai, "Ok so you have me, sinister, shootah, lil boo, lil ro and pookie" I said naming them. "We already know about sinsiter so start with shootah" jay said, "Shootah is basically the protector of the group. Lil ro rip to him was basically the player of the group he would either have a crush or a girlfriend with him" I said and they all nodded they heads.

"Pookie" I said letting out a deep sigh, "pookie is basically have this big ass crush on sin but he don't want ha, and lil boo is basically the quiet but talkative  one in the group" I said. "Wdym by that with lil boo?" Shawn asked, "So when we met her she wasn't very talkative so when we be looking for her and call out her name she don't answer then when we turn out she would be right there and we would be scared asf" I said chuckling.

"Oh damn she was dat quiet" ty said laughing, "yea she was dat quiet" I said. "So what happened to lil ro?" Yaya asked, "Him and sin got shot, and he made it but them dumb ass fucking doctors fucked up his stitches" I said. "Damn rip to him" koko said, then the bell rung.

"Ight yll meeting back at my place to got out later tonight?" I asked them seeing day walking up to us. "You know it" di said, "Wsg yll" day said, "wsp" everyone said before throwing away there trash and walking to they classes. "So what you got planned for your birthday after school" day asked, "Yk everyone coming back to my place stay there for a while then go on the late night drives like we ain't got school tomorrow" I said.

"Oooooh ok how much ya uncle give you dis time?" He asked me and we was walking to our first period class. "10k for now another 10k when I get back home and some new shoes" I said smiling mad hard, "Damn you spoiled" von and lightly pushing me making me laugh. "I'm not spoiled, it just so happened to be they get me stuff without me asking and they ain't got no kids of they own yet" I said smirking knowing damn well I'm spoiled asf.

"Yea whateva" he said as we walked into class, "Happy 18th birthday Yasmine" the class said as they threw confetti in the air. "Thanks yll" I said smiling, but what I didn't notice was sinister and the person he dapped up this morning sitting in the back of class a couple of seats from mine and day.

Me and day walked to the back and sat down in our sit, I took a quick glance to see who was sitting next to sin and it was shootah.

Welp probably know sin he is gonna invite him and the other person who called his name this morning to the house. Hopefully auntie don't make me invite sin and shootah out with me and my friends, I love sin and all but we went our separate ways for probably a good reasons.

"Ms.Thomas ik it's your birthday and all but tryna not so zone out in class today" the teacher said, "Ight I'll try" I said giggling. "Next week you guys will be having lab partners" the teacher said, "Will you have the partners list posted outside the classroom or on Google classroom?" Day asked. "Good question Mr.Davis this time I will post the partners list outside the classroom"

Couple minutes later in class

The bell rang to let us know its time to go to 2nd period. Me and day left out the class to walk to my next class.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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