Chapter Three : A Victims Enemy

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The next day Jamie meets up with Brian at the coffee shop. (Jamie) “I I just can’t believe somebody would kill her”. (Brian) “I know, wasn’t you just talking to her the other night. She called me up right before she said she was going to the store. I figured you had gone with her”. (Jamie) “No no I wasn’t with her I tried calling her at least three times but I thought she must’ve forgot to charge her phone. She always leaves it uncharged for some reason”. (Brian) “None of this makes sense I mean even going back to the school incident. Nobody knew what that kid did at that party. Besides the ones that were there”. (Jamie) “Wait a second, that kid wasn’t at the same party we attended”. (Brian) “Yeah so”. (Jamie) “So then that means he got killed at a different location. Wait were you at that party?. Because you just said nobody knew besides the ones that were there”. (Brian) “Oh so now I’m the number one suspect”. (Jamie) “No that’s not what I’m saying”. (Brian) “So what is it then? You suspect me of killing him right?”. (Jamie) “I’m not suggesting that, were you there at the party?”. Brian and Jamie stare innocently. (Brian) “Alright fine I was there but I’m not no killer”. (Jamie) “How do I know that? You know something was up didn’t you”. (Brian) “Alright look, I was at the party right after we got dropped off from the cemetery. He was there drunk and he was already arguing with some other guy. I tried to break it up but then someone threw a bottle at his head and he fell down immediately. Then a fight broke out and I was getting pushed around all over. I broke myself out the pit and then I tried calling for help”. (Jamie) “So what happened after that did the police come?”. (Brian) “I didn’t call them because we were just done putting a dead man to his grave. I didn’t know what to do so I just left”. (Jamie) “Do you know the people that did it?” (Brian) “No, I seen their faces but I don’t think they were from around here. Where are you getting at?”. (Jamie) “What if those people killed Gail”. (Brian) “How can you suspect that?we don’t have no evidence”. (Jamie) “They killed someone we knew and hid the evidence the same way we did with that old man. What if they was watching us”. (Brian) “So you’re saying after we buried that man they decide to commit a crime and follow into our tracks? What for?”. (Jamie) “I don’t know. But wait this happened one year ago and now whoever this stalker is they decide to kill one of our closest friends. What do they want from us?”. (Brian) “Could it be revenge from killing that old man?”. (Jamie) “Well we don’t know these people so crossing our paths just wouldn’t make this a fair trade. Like okay you might not know exactly who your enemy is because it can be anyone. And when you do know who they are those are the ones who are closer to you because they know everything. You seen their faces and confirmed they weren’t familiar so they can’t be getting revenge”. (Brian) “ Alright listen to yourself they don’t know who we are but if they were related to that old man wouldn’t you think they’ll find out about us to kill someone we know?. Think of it like tic tac toe, there’s one victim which is the circle and then there’s an X which would be the enemy or killer. The old man was the circle and we were the X, killers. That kid was a circle and those people were the X. Gail was a circle and those people was the X. Three x’s and you’re supposed to be out but notice how there’s always a block happening. The next victim could be one of us because whoever this killer is, they want to keep us at bait. Now if they was to kill all of us there will be no more circles because they eliminated what they had to eliminate”. (Jamie) “Okay I kind of get what your saying but this is not the time for bullshit puzzles. Even if they weren’t related to that man they could just be murderers”. (Brian) “How the fuck are we even suspecting someone a killer just because of a fight that broke out”. (Jamie) “He was beaten to death then got ran over by a car to make it look like a accident which was cleared as a homicide so yeah killers”. (Brian) “So what about Gail? Why did she die?”. (Jamie) “All I know is that she died from getting tossed over a bridge after she was assaulted”. (Brian) “Anybody could’ve done that”. (Jamie) “Are you denying the fact that they didn’t kill her?”. (Brian) “We don’t even know anything about them for crying out loud Junior could’ve been the killer he’s more closer to y’all than he is to me”. (Jamie) “So now you wanna blame him?” (Brian) “Well you were quick as much to accuse me”. One of the store workers walks over to the table. “Excuse me but this is a public space if you don’t keep it down I’m gonna have to ask you two to leave”. (Jamie) “Sorry”. The worker walks back to their shift. Jamie and Brian now using their inside voices. (Jamie) “Look whoever this is needs to be stopped before someone else gets hurt. Now I’m gonna call Junior and check if he’s heard anything. I gotta go, don’t forget to text me later”. Jamie gets up and walks out of the shop. Brian sighs and shakes his head in disbelief. At Brian’s house, Brian begins to collect recent information about Gail’s incident. He calls up Jamie and leaves a voice message. “Hey it’s me so I’m not gonna say this over the phone but I found more information about Gail’s death. Just meet me at my place tonight”. A couple of hours later, Jamie and Junior are inside Brian’s living room. (Brian) “Alright I have some information here. Apparently Gail called for a cab to pick her up from the grocery store. The cab comes but the driver was acting suspicious. When Gail noticed this she already tried to escape but she couldn’t because the doors were locked shut. The driver took advantage to speed up his car and stop in the middle of the highway bridge. He assaulted Gail and threw her over the bridge into the river. A local truck driver witnessed Gail and called 911. The driver did get away after the incident. Now we don’t know who the driver is but we can assume that it’s obviously the killer and whoever this killer is clearly wants something”. (Junior) “Okay what does he want? Since you know it all”. (Brian) “I don’t know what he wants alright. Now this information was spread all over online and the killer is still out there. We need to stick together which means we should call each other at all times. Or even text a message whatever we’re doing”. (Junior) “Oh so if I’m taking a shit I gotta call you like oh hey Brian not dead yet I’m just taking a shit. Better check your bowels just to be on the safe side”. (Brian) “Okay if you’re not gonna take this serious you can just leave”. Junior gets up from the couch “Oh finally you call me when you catch the killer”. Jamie pulls Junior from leaving “No stay, listen”. (Brian) “Look now’s not the time to be joking, anybody could be next”. (Junior) “Good luck”. Jamie hardly taps Junior on his lap. (Brian) “Fine! when you’re out there getting slaughtered don’t come crying for help. You can leave now”. (Jamie) “No hold on don’t pay attention to him he’s just being a jackass. Look we’re gonna find this person or people that’s been doing all of this. I agree that we all stay in contact with each other at all times. Just promise that we’re gonna make it out alive”. (Brian) “Can’t make promises you can’t keep”. Brian says as he walks towards the TV and picks up a remote control. (Jamie) “C’mon I need you with me on this. If I go down we’re all gonna go down. It’s not a misconception, believe that nothing can come between us”. (Brian) “Alright fine”. Jamie hugs Brian. (Jamie) “Alright I’m going straight home get some rest for me please”. (Brian) “I will thanks for stopping by”. (Jamie) “Let’s go”. Junior looks at Brian. (Junior) “You’re lucky to be alive. At some point we all go”. Jamie and Junior walks out of Brian’s house. Later that night Brian gets a message on his phone. He reads “I know you killed that guy at the cemetery”. Brian panics and throws his phone across the wall. “Shit” Brian said. he couldn’t believe what he had just done. A strange knock on the door begins. “Hello?” he said. No one answered. Brian checks the front door to make sure that it’s locked. Meanwhile, Jamie reads an article on her computer. “Local pedestrian dies from a car accident this afternoon, body was found on highway 7 miles away from the wild party incident dated back last year”. She continues to read “a couple was found murdered inside their apartment building after coming back from a hiking trip in the woods. Killer not identified in any of the crimes”. Jamie starts to suspect something is up so she tries calling Brian. Brian goes outside to his patio and looks outside to check if anyone’s around. Brian’s patio door shuts closed. He begins to look around and sees no one is there. “This is not funny whoever you are you’re gonna pay for this” he shouts. Footsteps begins creeping in. Jamie tries calling Brian dozens of times but she gets no answer. (Jamie) “Hurry up answer the phone”. The footsteps begins to creep closer. The killer shows up from behind Brian. Brian turns around and gets attacked. Jamie grabs her keys from the couch and puts on her jacket and shoes. Brian and the killer is fighting on the patio and within seconds Brian gets stabbed in the back. Jamie runs out to the car and starts it up. She pulls out a knife from the glove compartment. On her way out on the road she calls Junior but he doesn’t answer. (Jamie) “Shit what the hell is going on”. It begins to rain as Jamie is getting closer to Brian. A shadow appears on the window beside her. It was Gail’s shadow slowly disappearing. Jamie jumps scared and almost loses control of the wheel. Jamie arrives and quickly runs out of the car. The front door is locked. She walks over to the patio and sees Brian’s dead body with his leg cut off. Jamie screams in shock and holds her face in misery. A director yells “cut end scene”. Everyone starts to scatter around and goes back to their places. The actor playing Jamie says to the director “Are we done for today I’m so exhausted”. (The director) “Yeah we’re done for today that wraps it up”. The 4 actors from the set gather together. (Actor 1) “I’m glad we’re done man, playing Brian was literal hell”. (Actor 2) “You think your part was hard? try playing a drunk bitch that gets killed because she’s not aware of her surroundings”. (Actor 1) “Yeah well i want my pay check now, before i die from reading more scripts”. Actor 1 walks off set. The next day Jamie reads an article on her phone stating there’s a movie being made about her and her friends. (Jamie) “Oh my god how could they do this?”. Jamie couldn’t believe what was happening before her eyes. Jamie tries texting her mom about the article. It seems although her mom approved of the movie. Jamie looks back in anger and crumbles her fist tightly. “This is the last straw " she says.

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