Chapter three: An almost untimely death

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A knock on the door came just as Morwenna was getting ready for bed. The red tint on her lips gone as was the cat-eye eyeliner and mascara. She sighed as she opened the door to reveal a red headed woman. "Sorry for showing up this late." She smiled and stepped inside.

She held a pot with a stunning black flower. Mud fell from her bright red boots as she looked around. Morwenna silently grimaced as she looked at the mess on her floors. "Wow, you already have so much up." She brightly smiled and turned back Morwenna who only stared.

"You Addams girls sure do have that stare down." She giggled, but cleared her throat. "I'm Ms. Thornhill," Her smile seemed permanent. "Your dorm mom." She then held out the plant in her hands.

Morwenna looked down at it, impressed. "A bat orchid." She said airily and held the plant in her hands. "I try to match the right flower to each of my girls." Ms. Thornhill told her as her arms went behind her back. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you and your sister earlier. I trust Enid gave you two the old Nevermore welcome. How are you settling in?" Her head tilted in thought.

A light rattling came from her collection of obsidian crystals. Morwenna's brows furrowed but she turned back to the teacher. "Fairly well.." She hummed in thought and let her eyes wonder back over to her shaking and rattling crystals. Ms. Thornhill's gaze followed.

"Oh what a lovely altar!" She smiled as she looked over tiny skulls and bones with black candles with different types of dried herbs and flower petals spread around it. "Hmm, thank you. Many hours go into my practice." She told her as they both stared over to the altar.

Lucian perked his head up then, his ears pinning back as he hissed and barred his teeth. Their heads turned to the black cat who took a defense pose on the bed. "I'm guessing he doesn't like guests." The redhead chuckled as Morwenna stared over to her cat.

"Well, before I go you need to know the rules!" She smiled as the teen turned back to her. "Lights off at ten, no loud music, and no boys, ever." Her head shook. "And tell me about the local town? What are its rules?" Morwenna wondered as her eyes wondered back over to her growling familiar.

"Passes to Jericho aren't a right, they're a privilege. It's a brisk twenty-five minute walk, or there's a shuttle on weekends." Morwenna nodded silently with her blank stare on the teacher.

"The locals are a tad big wary about Nevermore, so please don't go about making any big waves, or perpetuating any outcasts stereotypes." Ms. Thornhill's head shook as she informed her of the small town. Morwenna's brows raised at the irony of 'making any big waves' since that was the meaning of her name.

"Very well then." The raven haired teen hummed and placed her new plant by the window. "Great talk!" Thornhill smiled and walked out, the door shutting behind her. As soon as she left the room Lucian calmed down and her crystals stopped rattling.

Morwenna picked one up in thought, thinking over what properties obsidian held. She felt that it was warm in her hand and sat it back down. She wondered how bad this teacher could've been if her crystals began to heat up on their own.
~ ~ ~
Morwenna and Wednesday both walked through the pairs of people fencing. They stopped to let them through as they stared at the girls in black fencing gear. Slowly, they walked up to Bianca who grunted as her opponent fell to the ground.

"Coach, coach, she tripped me." A boy said as he ripped off his helmet. "It was a clean strike, Rowan." He looked down at him. "Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck." The siren rudely suggested.

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