ʟɪᴠᴇ, ʟᴀᴜɢʜ, ʟᴏᴠᴇ

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It's pissing down at 4am in the middle of london. I've been forced out of my current boyfriends house. Well I wouldn't call him my boyfriend. It's more like a situationship, no label but I don't know how i feel about it. It's like all he ever wants from me is sex (my body) which by the way I don't like but I have no choice, he's my boss.

If I ended this thing with him I'd lose my job and I wouldn't be able to pay for an agent for my acting career. Well, this is what he's been telling me for the last two months. It's all a little fucked up. But a girls gotta do what she's gotta do to survive in this shithole of a world.

Anyways, I left my leather jacket at his apartment so now I have to go home looking like a drenched rat. Great. What a perfect evening this is. Using my hands, I try to protect what little parts of me that are dry which is not working since my skin is obviously not a good enough barrier for rain.

My phone vibrates from within my pocket. I glance down and see that James has left 10 missed calls and twenty messages. Shit. Most of them are asking where I am but then James' texting gets more frantic and worrying. I send him back a quick text just to let him know i'm safe and on my way home.

i'll be twenty mins, walking home from Jay's now.

within seconds he replies, which is weird since it's literally 4:05 in the morning.

i'm coming to pick you up now, try find a building you can stand under please. Don't want my car getting ruined :)

Dickhead. Like water will do much. I don't reply since my phone is covered in water droplets and i can't even wipe it away as my clothes are soaked to the brim. I fold my arms as my body continues to shiver; trying to suppress whatever heat is left in me.

About 10 minutes later I see James' car round the corner and stop a few meters away. I quickly bolt to the door and open it to find a towel draped over the passenger seat. I flit by eyes up to James and give him an seriously face.

"I don't want your rat water posioning my gorgeous leather seat."He says with a teethy smile.

I don't even make a sly remark, I just want to escape the cold rain. After I close the door James turns to face me. "You know Charlie... I really don't like this guy... he's not good enough for you."

"oh trust me I know" I mumble under my breath but he catches the drift. "Then why do you put yourself through it?" He asks curiously.

"You know why... my career." The car falls silent for a few moments and I look over to see James staring through my soul. It's really quite terrifying. "Please don't look at me like that, it's freaking me out."

"What's freaking me out Charlie is that you don't see how he's being manipulative. Hell he's blackmailing you." His words swirl in my head for a while. I'm lost for words because I know he's right.

"What would you have me do James?" I'm curious to what he'd make me do to avoid this guy.

"Easy, quit your job."

I glare at him with a blank expression. "Yeah that's so easy. Easy for you to say, at least you have money and a career. If I do this. I'll have nothing James."

"But you have me, your big brother. It's not as bad as it sounds. I'm sure you could be of good use to the band. I'll ask Joe if he has anything you'd be interested in."

"Fine, okay but by the way I'll have to keep working until I get my next pay. I'll leave Jay in a few days I just need to prepare myself for the talk. And then I'll sell my soul to the vamps." I give him a big smile which he returns.

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