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"CALABUNGA BITCH." Brad yells as he jumps on top of me. I was peacefully asleep and he just fucking interrupted my dream of me on the red carpet kissing timothee chalamet. "PISS OFF." I screech, wiggling my body to try and get him off me. The next second, warm air brushes the skin of my ear and neck, "nope I'm staying right here until you get up for work."

I yank his head backwards by his hair to tell him I don't want to be woken up yet. "i'm still not moving. You gotta have better tactics than that cherry." Nope I don't. I give up.

He can be a real dick but at least he cared to wake me up so i'm not late to work. It's the thought that counts I guess. "Fine, I'll get up."

He finally gets up off of me and jumps onto the floor and holds out his hand like a prince would do to greet his princess. What in the Beauty in the Beast is this. His actions are a little-no...more like extremely strange this morning. A little too hyper for my liking.

"What's got you all happy this morning, huh?" I question whilst yawning and stretching my arms behind my back.

"I got some great news this morning." He boasted, showing the gleaming flakes of sparkle in his brown eyes and the curved dimples when he smiles.

"A new collab?" I assume that's what it is, he's been writing songs a lot so that's why I figured it would be that.

"no." Brad reply's assertively. Well that's a bummer. It's taking me a while to think of anything else.
"you got nominated for an award?"

"nope." Darn it, he's really making this hard for me.

"hm you got laid?" I ask raising my voice a few octaves higher in question. After he processes my question a smirk tugs at the corner of his lip.

"well...sorta...yes, but that's not why i'm happy" He admitted, speeding up his speech. Is he ashamed of telling me this. Well we never really openly talk about sex, only if it was amazing or if something hilarious happened. In that case we have no choice but to share it.

"then why?" I droned, dragging the why out because I'm so eager to know what this thing is.

"it's a secret, i've been told not to tell." Oh let me guess; the boys have told him not to say anything.

"since when did you keep anything from me." I reply with a frown plastered across my face. I'm a little offended that he's keeping something so important from me.

"from now I am. Trust me i'll tell you soon. I promise. But for now my lips are sealed." He makes an action of zipping his lips, locking it and throwing the key away.

"Okay." And that's it, he's put me now in a seminally annoyed mood for the day but i'm still excited for him. It's just a pain I can't be let into the secret yet. Fuck you Bradley Willy Simpson.


I arrive at work about ten minutes after leaving the apartment. The door isn't open which is unusual since Jay always opens up in the mornings. He never misses opening times, he's even early all the time. Luckily I have keys to get in and get the place started up.

After the cafe is all ready for customers, I grab a quick bite and a drink to keep me company. I also haven't ate this morning so my stomach is starting to growl angrily at me. Jay still isn't here yet which is making me worry because I can't work the cafe all by myself. I send him a quick text.

Jay where are you? Customers are starting to come in.

His message bobs up and down like a wave which is making me sick.

Shit I um slept in. I'll be there in like half an hour.

Half a fucking hour! I cant do this by myself for half an hour. Is he mad. He knows the morning is the busiest time for us. I'm on my last nerve with him. Especially after last night.

I leave him on read and take a deep and long needed breath. I turn the sign to open and within minutes more and more customers file in to be served. What a great morning. Thank goodness I'm going out tonight. I need a good drink. Especially after the talk I'll be having with Jay about quitting this job and dumping his sorry ass.


It's closing time and I can't get myself to confront Jay. Can I really do this? No. I decide to not go through with it and get into James' car with Brad tucked in the back seat leaning against the arm rest.

"So...did you do it?" He inquired. "do what?" I countered, making myself sound as though I have no clue what he's asking me.

"did you or did you not break up with him." James' announces emphasising the first letter of each word.
I stare at him blankly and turn to look at Brad who's face is unrecognisable. His jaw is tight and his expression is disapproving and angry.

"what the fuck Charlie." James reply's letting a sigh escape his lips. "Fine you do you but i'm telling you this isn't healthy."

"God I know. I asked you to give me a few days. It's been like 10 hours James." He knows I'm right and starts the engine of the car. His expression is blank before he turns to me.

"before we leave can you put this mcdonald's bag into the bin please?"

"yeah sure." I get out of the car and throw the bag into the bin. But when I attempt to open the car door James looks at me and shakes his head. "You're not getting back in until you've quit and dumped that thing." He muffles through the window. What an arshole. I swear to god if I had a baseball bat I'd smash that window and strangle him to death.

I flip him the finger and do the same to Brad because he one hundred percent agreed to this. All I get is a teethy smile from both of them. Fuck.

I take a few deep breaths of the cold, crisp December air before I head back inside the cafe and straight towards Jay's office. The door is open a few centimetres and I can hear strange noises coming from the room. Is that moaning? It can't be. Oh my god. Oh my fucking God!

I storm into the room and find Jay in between the thighs of a blonde bitch right on top of the desk. His face lifts upward and turns to face me. My eyes are wide, blinking shockingly while I exchange looks between the now stranger and his playtoy. I cant even look at him right now. How the fuck did I not see this coming.

I think back to this mornings text from him and then it clicks. "It all makes sense now. You...you were fucking her this morning! That's why you were late! Oh my god. Oh my god. How could I be so stupid."

His expression still remains lifeless. He's just confirmed all I need to know. I nod my head silently in regret. Why did I let this happen. He doesn't care at all. If he did he would apologise right away and try to make up an excuse. I try to gather myself together and exit this office but my legs are starting to shake. I turn to mutter one last thing, "I just came to say I quit."

"No, no, no- ah shit- Charlie don't go please, I need you." Yeah that sure got him talking when I mentioned that I quit this stupid job. I flip him the finger and drag myself out of the building for the last time.

I'm absolutely fuming and James and Brad can sense it because I just slammed the car door. Not only does that give it away but I keep yanking the seatbelt but it won't go around my body. Once it's buckled I stare straight ahead. "Just drive please."

"Okie dokey." We leave the shitty cafe, the shitty street and the shitty people. I'm thrilled. James and Brad don't open their mouths the whole drive and I'm glad cause I'm not in the mood to chat about what happened tonight.

*Next chapter might be a long one with cute scenes, sad scenes and scarily exciting scenes.

Sweater PawsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ