Finding Grandma... again

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"If he goes to jail it'll be the end of Christmas." Daphne says as she turns the tv off.

"What can we do Grandpa?" Jake asks as he and his Grandpa look at each other.

"Find Grandma.. again." Grandpa Spankenheimer says.

"Maybe she didn't wander off." Alexis says.

"But everyone loves Grandma.. who would do such a thing?" Jake asks as everyone looks at each other.

"Cousin Mel." Alexis, Daphne, Jake, and Grandpa Spankenheimer say in union.


"Hey Doofus, River, what you guys smell?" Jake asks as the dogs are sniffing cousin Mel's backpack as Alexis and Jake go over to them.

"What ya got girl?" Alexis asks as she pets River.

"Jake, Alexis, get those mutts away from my backpack." Mel says as she comes over.

"Sure Mel." Alexis says as she gets the dogs away from the backpack.

"Alright you two. Do your smell thing." Jake says as he pets Doofus and River.


"Keep going Doofus, River." Alexis says as she and Jake are following the dogs in the woods before seeing Mel.

"So that's where she was going." Jake says as she sees Mel unlock a cabin and go inside. The two and the dogs sneak over to the window and look inside seeing Grandma with Mel.

"Jake get down." Alexis says pulling Jake down before Mel spots them as they then see Quincy with a over sized coat knowing what he is doing as they go over to him.

"Hello inside! If that's your car parked down by the road you better check it out. Some bears are hanging around it." Quincy says as he makes his voice sound deep after knocking on the cabin door.

"Thank you! I was leaving anyway!" Mel calls from inside the cabin.

"Ok but don't take too long. Have a safe fire free day." Quincy says as he, Alexis, Jake, and the dogs walk off before hiding as they watch Mel leave after locking the door.

"Thanks Quincy." Alexis says.

"Good job." Jake says.

"I came as soon as I received your email master Jake and Alexis." Quincy says as they take off their disguise.

"Now what do you have up your sleeve to get us inside?" Jake asks resulting in them now being up on the roof about to go down the chimney.

"You had to ask." Alexis says irritatedly not liking being up on the roof.

"It's not that bad." Jake says.

"Says you. Your not the one afraid of heights." Alexis says as she looks down before Jake grabs a hold of her hand causing them both to blush.

"Don't worry I won't let you fall. Now let's get Grandma." Jake says as the three of them with the dogs go down the chimney resulting in getting covered in snow.

"Nice entrance. Who are you again?" Grandma Spankenheimer asks as Alexis, Jake, Quincy, and the dogs shake off the snow.

"Jake Spankenheimer your grandson and this is Alexis Hathaway. She has been staying with us while her aunt is away." Jake says.

"Doesn't ring a bell. But thanks anyway." Grandma Spankenheimer says as Alexis and Jake walk over to her.

"Don't thank us. Thank River and Doofus." Alexis says as Doofus and River jump up into Grandma's arms and start licking her face.

"And I suppose these over excitable pooches are Doofus and River." Grandma Spankenheimer says.

"ah ha! grandma i don't have a lot of time to explain but we're going to the store." jake says as he grabs the vile Mel had and the letter Santa wrote explaining about Grandma off a counter.

"What's at the store?" Grandma Spankenheimer asks.

"Your memories." Alexis says happily.

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