Iron Dad vs. The School Board (Part 1)

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"Mr. Parker, it has come to my attention that you have been neglecting to attend any clubs, you have been skipping several of your classes, and on top of it all you have been sneaking off of school grounds during your lunch hour." Principal Morita told me as I sat in his office. It was nearly 4:00, and since school ends at 3:30, and I had yet to text Aunt Mae, it was safe to conclude I was as good as dead. 

Now, Mae knew about my powers, she had since she walked in on me in my suit, but that doesn't mean she's any less protective of me. In fact, it seemed to heighten her endearing-yet-annoying perspective.

"What do you have to say in your defense, Peter?" Mr. Morita asked me.

"Sir," I began to explain the lie I had been forced to tell most everyone in my life. "It's the Stark internship. I know it's been taking away from school, but once I get a secure job with Mr. Stark, I can get into a good college like--"

"Peter, if you don't graduate then you don't get to go to college!" Mr. Morita yelled slamming his fists on the desk that separated us. "And it doesn't look like that's going to happen, with as many days as you've missed."

"What?" I shouted, jumping out of my seat. "That's impossible, I've been here every day! Sure I missed a few classes here and there, but--"

"Your teachers and I have estimated that you have missed 37 days of school this semester. The cutoff is twenty. You're finished, Parker. Get out of my office."

I was stunned. Mr. Morita had never lashed out at me like that. I was a good kid with one of the top grades in school, he never had a reason to.

"Please, Mr. Morita, if I get held back, I don't get to keep the Stark internship." That was partially true. Mr. Stark said that if I get held back, he'll stick me on the back burner for the Avengers

"Well then you better kiss the internship goodbye. It's not happening." Mr. Morita said with finality.


After I left and called Aunt Mae, I called the only person I could think of. "Mr. Stark?"

"Peter?" I heard on the end of the line

"Hello, sir. Um, so...I'm not graduating. Because of all the training we've been doing.  Do you think you could help me out here?"

Silence on the other side.

"Mr. Stark?"

"Underoos," I heard after a while, "how do you feel about speaking as a witness in court?"

"Nervous but capable." I said honestly. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm suing your school." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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