°• taking care of the enemy •°

658 14 12

After the weirdly disgusting incident, wukong is demanded to sit at the dinning table and wait until the soup is done cooking (which is almost done).. "Im fine you dork. I don't need your help!-" said wukong to macaque as he tries to stand from the dining table.. "if  you did have the strength to fight me earlier i would've left you already.. BUT since im not as cold hearted, im staying weather you like it or not!".

Wukong groaned as he rest his head on the table.. "macaque..?" Wukong said while his head is still down, "when did you learn to freaking cook?" He said "you..dont need to know that- (ಠ⁠~ಠ)" macaque replied while stirring the pot..

Meanwhile, with MK, he was just doing the usual! Delivering noodles for pigssy's customers.. "Hmm.. i wonder what monkie king is doing.. i haven't really heard from him.. I KNOW I'LL VISIT HIM LATER!!" mk said from a bit worried to a smile across his face.. while he was driving his Tuk-tuk back to the shop, he heard someone coming up to him, he looked over and saw a green and black hair girl (which is everyone's favourite XD) its mei! "MK!" Mei said as she ran to the monkie man. "ALRIGHT SO- I HAVE SOME NEWS FOR YA!" Mei said rushed "what is it-?" MK said smiling nervously hoping its not bad news but to mei's excitement, he didn't think it would be anything bad..

"SO i somehow convince pigssy to give you an off day today! Don't ask how, so i wanted to spend some time with you!" Mei said excitedly.. MK was shocked to hear the news and smiled even wider and said "THATS AMAZING!! WE HAVE A DAY TO OURSELVES!!" MK said excitedly as well but then mentioned "wait- what about your training with Redson?" MK said "Oh don't worry about that! I gave redboi time to rest he said "Fine! go and Spend time with that NyoOdlE bRaIn!" So i did" Mei said and jumped on MK's Tuk-tuk.. "wait Mei.. i wanna go and see monkie king for a bit! We haven't heard from him lately.." MK said, mei just nodded in response and they both drove to ffm (with Sandy's help)


"flower fruit mountain is so quiet.. is that a good thing?" Mei said a bit terrified, "No.. No wait something's wrong! I can feel it.. Come on!" Mk said snatching Mei's hand to the trees.


"NO! I DONT WANT TO EAT!" wukong screamed as he covered his whole face with his hands, "Come on wukong! Stop being such a baby and just try a bit!" Macaque said smudging the spoon with soup at wukong's hands.. "NO! I dont have the appetite for your WEIRD SOUP!-" Wukong said as he shouted at Macaque.. macaque looked at the screaming monkie and thought he had the opportunity so he quickly grabbed the spoon and instantly shoved it to Wukong's mouth making Wukong paused for a bit.. "WOAH- *cough* *cough* did you really make that soup all on your own??" Wukong said while his eyes filled with stars, macaque was shocked that worked and replied "Uhh.. yes! I made it myself- ehehe-" wukong took the spoon and soup and began to eat.. "Oh now you want to eat huh?" Macaque said smirking, wukong nodded as a response and continue to eat the soup..

After the meal.. macaque told wukong to go back to bed and rest.. and so Wukong did because he was also tired..

Not long before that.. A knock was heard from the door, Macaque turned around and opened the door and saw MK and mei standing in front of the door "M-MACAQUE!?" they both gasped and quickly got there weapons and prepared to fight "W-WAIT-!" macaque said-

(Aight imma cliffhanger here, lmao sorry ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ)

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