never titled this one lol

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description: its studentxteacher n thats as far as i got

date started: 2019 


ryan set his bag down onto the concrete floor. he was taking in the familiar surroundings in front of him. the receptionist, sarah, was typing away at her computer at her desk as usual. her dark brown hair has grown longer since he last saw her. ryan's parents walked up behind him through the wide-open doors with his remaining bags.

"welcome back, ryan," sarah warmly said when she looked up at the device in front of her. her smile was welcoming and it made ryan feel at home. "i have your room key right here." she placed the bronze key onto the desk. the small keychain that was attached to it had the numbers 272 in sharpie that was fading off. ryan walked up to her desk and took it.

"we have this handled, ryan. you can go out and get comfortable with the campus again as we fix up your room," his father said.

"you sure?" ryan asked, "i could help a little. it is my room after all," he won't be seeing his parents until winter break so he wanted to spend as much time as possible with them.

"yes, son, go. we will have your place tidied up and then we'll meet up for dinner," his mother smiled.

ryan nodded, knowing that it was no hard feelings to his parents about him ditching them. he gave the key to his dad. "i'll see you later," he said. his mother kissed the top of his head. it was a soft, sweet kiss that she has given him hundreds of times before. ryan exited the same doors he entered in. outside of his building, there was a grass field that stretched to the other side of the campus. usually during lunch kids will play frisbee or toss around a football. ryan would simply sit under a shady tree and read a book with a steaming hot coffee by his side.

he slipped his hands into his pockets. the sunny august sun shined down onto the empty campus causing everything to have a shadow next to it. ryan went to nevada's most elite high school. it was super expensive and all of the students had to wear weird school uniforms that made everyone look five years younger than they were. his aunt was the head secretary at the school. she thought it would be nice to have ryan enrolled there for free, his parents more than agreed. so now ryan has been surrounded by snobby rich kids for the past four years he attended the school.

ryan knocked on his math teacher's room. "i told you spencer, i don't know what that weird rash-" his teacher said from the other side. before he could finish, ryan pushed the handle down and opened the door. his teacher capped his whiteboard marker then turned around. his eyes widened the moment he saw ryan. "ry?"

ryan smiled as he slowly walked over to the front of the room, "hey bren."

brendon smiled as ryan slowly walked to the front of the room, "why are you here?" brendon asked as he twirled the whiteboard marker around his fingers, "the school year doesn't start until next week."

"my parents are pretty busy next week so we decided to just bring me here now," ryan shrugged, only telling him half the truth. the real reason he was here early was to see the man in front of him. it was just a coincidence that his parents were both working for the full week school started.

he was now in front of brendon. brendon didn't look different from a few months ago. his hair was cut and he was perfectly shaved. he gracefully touched ryan's chin. it felt warm and soft in his hands. "i missed you," he softly said before connecting their lips. it was a kiss that every teenage girl dreamed about. it told ryan that he was really missed. ryan kissed back, gently putting the same amount of pressure that brendon was putting on his lips.

they only pulled back only for ryan to say, "i missed you too." their foreheads touched as they felt each others skin in their hands. "god, i missed you so fucking much." he whispered between brendon's lips. he kissed him again, just as softly, just as sweetly.

the two didn't hear the soft creak of the door opening. so when the person who entered the room cleared his throat they instantly pulled apart with a wet pop from their lips. "i was going to ask what that weird rash on my hip was again but then i noticed that, hey! ryan is back," spencer said. he had a cheeky smile on his face with his hands intertwined with each other at his chest. brendon wiped his lips with his sleeve as his cheeks turned a light pink. spencer, who was the head librarian of the school, was the only one who knew about brendon and ryan's whole "situation" as you might call it. he accidentally walked in on them kissing in the empty part of the library where no one went. thankfully, after the two minutes of pleading from the both of them, he promised not to tell anyone. "ryan would you like to help me with some book organizing?" spencer's grin never left his face. ryan only nodded. he knew that if he refused spencer would literally force him out of the room. when he means "organizing books" he actually wants to talk to ryan about his relationship with brendon.

ryan walked over to spencer after giving brendon a soft peck on the lips. he had his head down so he could try to cover up the similar light pink cheeks. the two left the room leaving brendon to bite his lip and smile to himself.


spencer and ryan were going around the library with a cart full of books. spencer handed the younger boy a stack of books about poetry or something. ryan put the books where it was supposed to be in alphabetical order by the author's last name on the other lines of books. "so have you and brendon um did the thing yet?"

ryan rolled his eyes at the spencer. he was acting like a thirteen-year-old boy even though he was more than a decade older. "no we haven't fucked," ryan said, putting away another stack of books, "we unofficially decided to not do that until i'm eighteen."

"but you're turning eighteen in a week," spencer said.

"it's like you want me to break the law, spence," ryan smartly said. "and you're a teacher."

spencer scoffed, "i'm a librarian and you know that."

"i'm a minor and you know that."

"alright, alright, ryan. geez."

spencer was basically the only person ryan talked to in the years he's been at this school. besides brendon, sarah, and well jon, his roommate of course. even though he was the librarian, spencer was everything but quiet. he was like the extroverted uncle who danced alone on the dancefloor during his sister's fourth wedding, which was not too far from the truth. brendon and him have been close friends since high school. they didn't talk for a good few years because of college things. it was a surprise for both of them that they both worked at the same school when brendon started teaching last fall.

"ok a more important question: did you miss me?" spencer asked

ryan chuckled a little, "yeah of course." he placed another book where it belonged. "but not the part where you ask about our relationship all the goddamn time."

"fine. i promise not to question about brendon and your relationship," spencer said as he rolled the cart into the next aisle of books.

"we both know that's a complete lie."

"you are definitely correct," spencer smiled.

ryan felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. he took it out then looked at his incoming text. "i have to go," he said. he put the remaining books into the shelf. "i'll see you tomorrow, spence."

"if you're leaving me to fuck brendon you could just tell me," he yelled. ryan flipped him off before the library doors shut.


ryan was sitting on one of the desks that were lined up all across the room. the angel like voice of freddie mercury was playing from the speakers that were above the whiteboard. ryan tried to pay attention to his phone. he really didn't want to catch himself staring at brendon's ass in those oh so tight black jeans of his.

"when are we grabbing lunch?" ryan asked as brendon bends down into a box of workbooks. damn he really loved to torture him sometimes.

"soon, love," brendon answered into the strong scent of cardboard. "i just need to finish numbering these workbooks then we can go." ryan nodded his head. brendon lifted a stack full of books in his arms then placed them on his desk.


never really liked the studentxteacher trope but i had a dream and decided to write a fic about it ((removing the odd parts ofc))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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