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I remember this being the first time we meet. Well I've seen them before that time but I didn't meet them. Oh and they were as beautiful as the song the birds sung that morning. With skin like fresh milk and a soft curl to their hair. I was getting off track please forgive me reader the nostalgia never really goes away. Anyway they were the daughter of my fathers coworker. I never really cared much for what my father did. I didn't care for money or I thought I didn't. I was a spoiled child I never had to work for anything and never had to see people who weren't as well off as I struggle. I didn't know what lay outside of the land we owned and I didn't care for it. That morning I met them a few hours before I was arguing with my daddy. I wasn't a people person and I didn't want to be. When he finally got his way we met them at the gate to the manor. I wasn't thrilled I'd have to make conversation but when I saw them I couldn't help but smile. We broke off from our fathers and walk to our lake. I sat there listening to all the different things she had to say. Was I interested in the things she was. No, but the way she was passionate about them I started to like them a little more. She was a angel sent from God. A light of pure joy and love. A sunshine of a person. I wanted to be by her every waking moment. To feel her warmth,to hear her words, to smell the flowers she carried in her sewed in pockets. After a while I started to feel these overwhelming urges. I wondered what her skin would feel like on mine. How soft her salmon pink lips were. But at the time it was know to be wrong. Was what I felt for her so wrong. I must stay away from her I thought. We weren't as close after that she drifted away slowly. I hoped every tear brought me closer to healing from it but the thought of her stayed with me.
One silent night I was reading on my window. Peering up at the moon wondering why I was like this when a pebble knocked against my window. I looked down to see her. That's when I knew I had to be with her. I came down to greet her when she hugged me tight. Her face in my neck. She yelled at me for forgetting about her. For not caring anymore. I couldn't take it I released every thought in my headabout her in my words. We both stood there in silence until she marched up to me grabbed my face and kissed me. If it was supposed to be so wrong how could it feel so very right. I couldn't break away from that kiss. I didn't want it to stop. But they had to get home before the sun came up. How could I marry them. We were both women it was not right. If I said a word of this I would be sent to a asylum. But anything was Worth losing for her. Not to long after that we ran away together. I finally got to live with her, eat with her, sleep with her, love with her. It didn't end with a happy ever after there though. As we all know life is unfair. Our families were angry that we ran away and that we defied what was "right" and "holy". Her family sent a man to take care of me. One second I'm walking with her. Next is I'm bleeding out on the ground while she's being dragged away screaming. I couldn't get up and save her I was on the brink on dying. I eventually died alone. And she was sent back to her family. I'm not sure what they did when she got back because they don't care to talk about it. But that is the first chapter of our life together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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