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Darasimi hasn't returned.

It has been a week since that video hit the internet.

To even check my phone notifications is a hassle because I get asked so many questions.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Send me her number."

"You should leave that room, she's a bad influence."

I wince as a sharp pain zigzags across my brain. My tongue feels like it's about to shrivel up, so I grab myself a glass and a bottle from the fridge in my room. I start to pour some water into the glass.

No matter how stubborn she might have been, Darasimi didn't deserve such humiliation. She was actually sweet, even though she was a tad infuriating. Now, some useless boy had destroyed everything for her.

Outing her like that with even nudes.

My thighs are cold— Kai!

I had poured water on myself.

With a hiss, I get off my bed and go get changed. I need to get out of here.


Luckily, Alice is in her room by then. She beams at me over her copy of a romance novel depicting two lovers in a sensual embrace on the cover.

"Hey." Comes my greeting as I shut the door behind me.

She drops her book on her bed, pinning me with the full intensity of her gaze. Watching me as I sit beside her. She doesn't speak until after I'm seated comfortably.

"How are you holding up?"

I shrug. "I'm fine, at least as much as I can be. But at least I didn't get my nudes leaked by a guy I trusted." Then my shoulders slump. "I feel so bad for her. She'll never be able to school here comfortably."

A hand gently caresses my shoulder. "It'll be okay."

I shake my head. "I just can't help but wonder where she could be. She couldn't have gone home, would she?"

Alice lays her back on the bed, thoughtful. "Hmm, I'm not sure. But I doubt it since you said she lives in a different state. Maybe she has a family member or friend that she's staying with until this whole blows over."

"Alice, this won't blow over easily. The video and the pictures have gotten to the Vice Chancellor, and we all know what that means. Expulsion. According to the school she is not considered a student anymore."

Who knew some videos and pictures could cause so much damage? And why would her boyfriend have done such a thing? My eyes burn so bad, and my head aches just from thinking about it.


Later, with the sun below the horizon and the moon in charge, I find myself awake, unable to find rest.

So I pray.

I pray for Darasimi. I pray she is safe. I pray she is still alive and healthy. I pray for God to give her strength to carry on.

When I'm done, I grab my phone and go online.

My phone begins vibrating as the notifications come flooding in. Didn't these people ever get tired? I thought they'd have moved on from it already.

I scroll through the messages nonchalantly, until I begin to notice that there is a message being sent to groups and circulating all over my WhatsApp.

My finger trembles as I click on one of the messages, dread roiling in my belly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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