strange voice

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renai:One night I was feeling bored in my room and then I went out I was walking down the aisles and then I walked outside in the front door, watching very carefully so that no one would see me go.
But I heard someone's voice and then went back to look I got closer and closer, then a clear voice of someone singing
There was a sound in the forest. I was afraid that it was something, a trap, or a murderer, until I started thinking more, but maybe I'm wrong.
I encouraged more and got closer. I saw a boy, but what is he doing here? He did not sing
But he heard me and said

person:from here?

renai:I felt like I was going to die and ran away quickly but *fell* Blood falls on my legs, but I did not care and ran away from this person.
And I told my story to a friend of mine that's why my leg hurt

Jolene:Oh be careful next time

renai:I am really stupid


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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