I have a Dream

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I'm Jisoo Kim I'm 23 years old and I have a dream of becoming a world class chef. I have long straight black hair, black eyes, heart shaped lips, fair skin and puppy like facial features. I've had a love for cooking since I can remember. Ever since I was young I always watched my Mom and Dad cook with so much love and happiness that I just loved cooking and wanted to be like them plus their cooking was incredible and just to die for. I wanted to learn cooking so bad I took culinary arts in University and now a very famous restaurant in South Korea was making a once in a life time offer to train 45 lucky people to become World Class Chefs and to share it's most famous and prized recipes. The contest for the 45 lucky people has been going on for 2 and a half months. I had applied at the end of the first month, I had an interview with some of the employees there and they said if I win they'll send me an email about it but the contest was over a long time ago they said we should be receiving the email around this time but nothing's turned up. I was at my best friend Jennie's house talking and chatting about everything and explaining my sadness when my phone buzzed. I rushed over and picked it up to see and email telling me I had won as the 45th person to be emailed. I rejoiced with Jennie all night long and we had a sleepover. I couldn't believe my dreams are coming true. The email said all the trainees should be present at the restaurant in 3 days and ready to be officially recruited and trained. I can't wait for the journey ahead of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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