Chapter 6 Training

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I wake up in the state room gently paced on a sofa in front of a warm fireplace. I turn myself over and find Kyle sitting on the floor staring at me.
How long has he been there?!?
"How long have you been here?" I say plainly, with a blank expression on my face.
"I don't see why i should tell you," he says crossing his arms.
I narrow my eyes at him.
"Ugh," He says frustrated, "Is that how you treat everyone who brings you to safety from the weather?"
I look across the room and see a pitch black void and a large window consumed in rain. I look back at Kyle with a raised eyebrow and he gives me an innocent look.
"Thank-you Kyle," I say feeling defeated.
Kyle gives me a curious look, "Sorry what was that? I didn't hear you."
I roll my eyes, "You heard me."
"Aww, you're no fun," he says, whining like a child.
I roll over and stand up as Kyle does and head toward the door way.
"And where are you off too?" he asks sceptically.
"Bed," I say plainly, walking into the hall.
I start down the hall with Kyle closely following me. He keeps on following me through all the twists and turns of the long route I chose to get to my room until I finally get there.
I turn to face him, "Are you convinced now?"
"No," he says plainly.
I let out a long sigh, "Good night Kyle," I say opening my door.
"What about a good night kiss?" Kyle asks, putting his hand on mine on the door handle.
His hands are so warm...
"Not happening, now if you'll excuse me I'd like to get ready for bed," I say firmly, brushing past him and rushing into my room.
He follows me into my room, locking the door behind him as he does.
I grab a towel and a bag full of clothes and rush into the bathroom, making sure the door behind me is locked.
"I'll wait until you're finished," I hear Kyle say, behind the locked door.
"Keep dreaming Kyle," I say to the door.
I dump my stuff on the floor and get undressed. I stare at myself in the mirror, looking into all of the details of my make-up-covered face.
I reach for a packet of grey powder above the mirror and step into the shower area, closing the curved glass door behind me. I throw some of the powder into the air and it forms a small, thick grey cloud above me. I then click my fingers and the cloud showers me with warm rain.
This is one of the reasons the Kingdom of Twilight is so well known, because of our artificial rain. It was originally designed for showering but now we also use it to prevent droughts.
I rid myself of all the make-up, dirt and sweat on my body while breathing in hot steamy air.
Once I'm finished I click my fingers again and the cloud disappears. I wrap myself in a towel and listen for Kyle.
"You done yet?" I hear Kyle ask, getting impatient.
I sigh, "I'm a girl, I'm allowed to take forever so don't be surprised if you're in there by yourself until midnight.
"C'mon, all I want is good night kiss," he says, continuing to whine.
"And all I want is to go to sleep with no nightmares of you," I say coldly at the door.
"Well now I'm offended."
"Suck it up princess."
I dry myself off and get changed into a tight, black, short skirt. It has purple flames on the sides and white crosses on it. I put on tight, black leather boots that come up past my knee and rest on my thigh.
I open a draw and grab a small case.
"Are you going to come out anytime soon?" Kyle asks, sounding tired.
I look in the mirror and flip my hair back, "Nope," I say in a whisper, making sure that he didn't hear me.
I walk back into the shower shut the door and squeeze the glass handle three times in less than a second. I hear a click and the floor opens up and I fall into a void of darkness. Air rushes past my face, I feel like I'm flying. It brings back memories. Memories of Igneous and I.
I'd climb all over him in the mornings and keep nagging him to go for a fly until he would get up and we would go. We would fly over clouds and in between cliffs.
Suddenly, I hit a net. I bounce around a couple of times and slowly roll off.
I stand and look around. I am in a large cave. The walls are jagged and sharp.
I walk to my right and I'm soon walking down a small stone passage way toward a darker room. I'm soon in another large stone room. It's pitch black.
"Looks like I'm going to need some light in here," I say into the void.
I close my eyes and breathe in. The air is moist, thick and pure.
I raise my hand and quickly flick it towards an unlit torch. Purple Aura shoots from my hand, onto the torch and the whole stone room lights up. The light bounces off the shiny dark blue walls of the room. I flick both my hands toward each unlit torch, one after the other. Soon almost the whole cave system is alight.
I take a deep breath and let it out in a huff.
I turn around and hear a creak. I wave my hand, the torches go out and I grab my case and lean against a cold stone wall.
I hear another crack and move closer to the sound. My fingers feel along that wall until I get to a corner and stop. I continue to listen to the cracks, now sounding like footsteps. They get closer and closer until they're at the corner, that's when they stop. I feel a rush of icy air come past me and I can hear slow and quiet breaths. I try to see but I am consumed in darkness.
I look around and see a streak of moonlight on the cave floor and slowly move back. I hear footsteps begin again. I continue to move towards the light, the intruder following suit.
The streak of moonlight closes in and I stop. I quietly open my case, knowing that the intruder was right next to me. I grab a small and cold metal handle and freeze. The intruder keeps moving and I feel three metal objects touch my hand simultaneously. I drop my case with a clank and two clawed hands light up with yellow Aura.
I jump back and the small metal rod expands and forms a large scythe with purple Aura streaming from it.
There is a rush of air and our weapons clash in the moonlight, our faces still in the shadows. Sparks fly from the clashing metal while the Aura streams out from our weapons, dancing like smoke.
The intruder's fists are clenched while his three metal claws shine brilliantly in the moonlight. I struggle to stand my ground trying to observe the details of my opponent's specially designed gloves.
We both jump back and I run around the moonlight to my opponent. I feel multiple gusts of wind and doge his strikes while trying to strike myself.
We clash once more and more sparks fly. I pull my scythe back and sprint behind my opponent. I hook my arm around his shoulder, pulling both clawed arms behind him, and hold my scythe to his neck.
They slam their foot on mine and duck down and around my scythe. I let out a yelp of pain. I snatch my foot up from under them but fail to notice them behind me and soon I'm caught in a headlock with three glowing, sharp, metal claws against my neck.
I go to swing my scythe behind me, but that's when I feel something warm dribble down my throat.
"Enough!" I hear a deep voice yell.
Suddenly, there is a flash of sky blue light and the intruder and I are separated. I gasp as I fly back and I something hits my back. I gasp for air and realise that the intruder and I are pinned against the cold, stone wall, Aura holding down our hands and feet.
I hear the intruder panting beside me, gasping for air as it seems that he hit the wall harder than me.
I hear someone marching toward us, "Caroline! What is he doing here!" I hear. I finally look up and see my Uncle David and look at the intruder...
"Kyle?!" I say to the person next to me.
"What?!" he snaps at me.
"What are you doing here?!" I snap back at him.
"I could ask you the same thing!" he yells at me.
There is a moment of silence before Uncle David lets us both down, the Aura quickly slithering back into his hand like a snake made of smoke.
Kyle and I stand there awkwardly until finally Kyle speaks up, "All I wanted was goodnight kiss..."
"You're still on that?!" I ask him, irritated.
My uncle rolls his eyes slightly amused, while lighting the torches in the room.
I feel something wet on my chest and throat and look down and look down. I see a streack of bright crimson red. My hand makes its way to my throat and I feel blood seeping out of a cut.
"You bastard..." I say sighing.
"All I wanted was a good night kiss," Kyle says, sticking out his bottom lip.
"Well you didn't have to slit my throat for it!" I snap at him.
My Uncle sighs, "Well you're going to have to do more than slit her throat to get a kiss from this one," he says, patting me on the head.
"I know, I know," Kyle says slyly. "So what do you's do here anyway?" he asks.
Uncle David picks up my scythe and throws it to me and it starts glowing purple again, "We train," he says plainly.
"How?" Kyle asks.
"Let's just say that what you and Caroline just did was training for the night," he says.
Kyle quickly draws back his claws and it looks like he's wearing normal gloves. "So, are you going to introduce me of what?" he asks pointing to my scythe.
I role my eyes and hold my scythe up, "This is Hatyara, blade of dragon souls, and yours?" I ask.
"Garras, claws of revenge."
We stand in silence until Uncle David starts to yawn, "Well, bedtime."
"Okay, have a nice night Uncle," I say giving him a hug.
"Okay, okay, night Kyle," he says as he walks off into the darkness.
"Night," Kyle says into the darkness.
The torches slowly start to dim and the room starts to get darker.
"So, how do we get back up?" Kyle asks, yawning.
"Watch and learn." I put two fingers in my mouth whistle twice and eight shaydars fly into the room. They lift us up by the arms and fly us down the passageway and up to small ledge.
I pat one on the head, "Thanks guys." One of them lets out a small screech and they all disappear.
Above us there is a small circular outline. I push on it and light floods onto the ledge. I climb through and Kyle follows. We're back in the shower and I cover the hole back up while Kyle walks to the bed.
"That was fun," he says in a quiet voice.
"You are sworn to secrecy on the subject," I state with a threatening voice. I hate going behind my dad's back but Igneous left me my Aura for a reason.
"And, what if I don't keep it secret?" he asks me with a sneaky smile.
I narrow my eyes at him, "Then I'll dob you in as well."
"Oh well, I'll just have to be stuck in a dungeon with you."
My head fills with unpleasant thoughts. I can see Kyle all over me, trying to touch me and always annoying me with the same voice of my cousin...
"Fine," I sigh, "How can I make you keep quiet?" I ask him. I hang my head low and await an answer.
"A goodnight kiss every night, even after we're married," He says stubbornly.
"Ew, no way," I say cringing my face.
"Fine then! Just one," Kyle puts his index finger on his cheek.
I sigh. I really don't want to because then he will persist, but I guess I have no choice.
I roll my eyes and walk closer to Kyle. I close my eyes and slowly lean in. I hear him move and I open my eyes just as he turns his head and our lips meet. I go to pull away but he doesn't let me.
"I never said what type of kiss or how long," he says against my lips.
"Yes you di-," Kyle cuts me off and tries to shove his tongue down my throat. It swirls around in my mouth but I do nothing. He slows down and slowly edges me to the bed. A fear comes over me. I'm scared.
Sensing that something isn't right, Kyle suddenly stops. "Goodnight," he says in a nervous and hasty voice and with that he is out the door.
I just stand and stare at the floor. Once I hear the door click shut I fall onto my bed.
I can still remember every move his tongue made...

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