The cryptic case (pt.1)

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TW: mention of murder, mention of rape, mention of death, mention of stabbing, Penetrative sex


November 21st - friday

Spencer sat on his desk and had just finished his work. It was five pm, friday night, and he wanted to go home. He hasn't seen Ava in the bullpen since their night in Jefferson, her office was always dark.

He took a deep breath and grabbed his bag, wishing Prentiss a nice weekend before he waited in front of the elevator. As the doors opened Hotch and Ava walked out.
"I'm sorry Reid, no weekend" Hotch said and continued walking.

Ava stopped. "Hey Dr. Reid" she said and briefly smiled.

"Hey" he answered with a brighter smile.

"Atlas!" Hotch shouted from a far.

"Coming" Ava shouted back and followed him in the conference room.

As Reid and the others came in, Hotch and Ava stood close together, quietly talking. They all sat down.
"This is an unusual case and Agent Atlas will be in charge as well as I am, as these are her cases" Hotch said and sat down.

"Cases? Plural?" Morgan asked.

"Yes" Ava started "Two weeks ago I was called to Berksville, Illinois. They found the body of Angela Simmons, 34, in the forest. She was raped, tortured and the perpetrator removed her liver and heart. She is the 7th victim of an unsub I call George. In the last 10 month he murdered these women all across the united states. There might me more that we probably just haven't found yet. What makes this more difficult is, that usually three days after George killed his victim, another woman disappears in the same city, only to be found another day later, usually near a small stream. This is Amanda Jones, 21, latest victim of the perpetrator two, that I call Fred.
He has been murdering for at least five month" she made a small pause.

"Usually they kill every month and vanish only to pop up four weeks later in another state. This time it's diffrent. Four hours ago they found the bodies of Marge Simmons and Lousia Ann Smith, next to each other, again in Berksville. Based on the circumstances of their deaths they were murdered by Fred and George" she stopped.

"So something has changed" Prentiss said.

"Do they murder together? Or seperately?" Morgan asked.

"This is a question we've not been able to answer yet" Hotch interjected.

"They work so diffrently, George abducts the woman without a trace, he precisely takes of their organs and rapes them, while Fred stabbs his victims without any sexual component" Reid said.

"Maybe he's impotent, stabbing can be representing the penetration" Rossi mentioned.

Hotch cleared his throat "Yes, two complete diffrent methods. George presents them, as he wants to show their beauty after death, while Fred throws them away like trash".

"And the victims are completely diffrent. George prefers middle aged, dark haird, business women, while Fred seems to be more into blond women" Reid said.

"Alright, somehow their dynamic changed and I fear it's going to implode soon. Wheels up in thirty". Hotch was already out the door.


The Leutanant greeted them friendly in Berksville. Morgan and Prentiss directly drove to the crime scene, Hotch, Rossi, Reid and Atlas where in the conference room. Spencer wrote the details on the whiteboard, while Ava unpacked a big box of files.

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