A ray of sunshine ✅

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"What?" She exclaimed with a sly smirk, "You think I loved you? Come on Om, let's be real, there's no way I can ever fall in love with someone as simple as you. But unfortunately I had to keep up with the drama. You have no idea how I wished to get out of this relation."

As the rain poured down on him, he sank deeper into misery, her words echoing around.

Was he not enough for her?
What was wrong in him?

Sure, he wasn't madly in love with her. But she had been his bestfriend since years, then how could she hate him so much?

"You and I, we're not even compatible." She had said.

"Riddima please-" Aman, Omkara's best friend tried to stop her but Omkara held up his hand gesturing him to stop so she could complete.

"I'm happy with this marriage. He has everything I need. How long did you think we could work anyway? You weren't even ready to take our relation to the next level! What did you expect me to do? Sit by and worship you?"

Her words had struck him more than he thought was possible. Maybe the fault was his, he was the one who was commitment phobic, he needed more time to analyse their relation while she always wished to take things to the next level.

"I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on you!" She spat, "You never even kissed me!"

He didn't, and he wasn't intending to either. Each time she tried to make a move, it all had felt so wrong and he couldn't think of anything else but to run away. Then how was he supposed to kiss her?

Feeling the rain drops not falling down on him anymore, he frowned in confusion. He could see it was still raining then why wasn't it falling on him anymore? He wondered, starting to move his head up, to look at the barrier.

"You shouldn't be sitting here like this." He heard a female voice say. "You'll catch a cold."

Immediately he turned his head around to see a young lady standing behind his bench with an umbrella on her hand which was now hovering over his head as well as hers.

So that was what stopped the rain from falling on him. Omkara noted.

He looked at the girl once again, trying to get a better view of her face. Her big brown innocent eyes looked genuinely worried. She looked so beautiful that his heart skipped a beat.
And he couldn't help but laugh at his own situation. Here a complete stranger was worried about his health, and there his best friend cum girlfriend, oops, ex girlfriend had dumped him.

"Its ok, cold is nothing compared to what I'm going through now." Omkara replied with a sad smile.

"Then you should definitely not fall sick." She said with a pout.

"How does it matter? No one cares." He replied mentally laughing at himself.

"There must be someone who does." She replied with a smile. "Like your family."

"Doesn't matter. I just-"

She walked around to stand infront of him and the park bench. "Do you mind if I sit?"

"You'll get yourself wet." He replied looking at the bench already wet.

"Doesn't matter, Mister." She replied with a smile and sat next to him, still holding the umbrella.

He just smiled softly at her attitude.

"Why don't you share it with a friend?" She asked a little worried.

"None I can tell." He replied.

"I'm here if you want to talk." She said, "I'm a stranger to you, I won't judge you if that's what you're afraid of."

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