Chapter 1 - The oucast

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A/N Daphne is not in this fic, she doesn't exist. This just a Bay centered fic and she deals with finding out about her birth mother as well as other things in her life - Enjoy

Ps in this John has blonde hair

Chapter 1 - The Outcast

"Bay, Toby. Breakfast", Kathryn called from the kitchen as the sweet smell of her early morning cooking filled the Kennish household.

A tired looking Bay, emerged from her room and slowly made her way down the grand staircase. It was too early and the last thing she wanted to be doing at this hour was conversing with her family.

"So how are we feeling about the first day back at school", an excited Kathryn asked as she handed her children pancakes.

"Oh just great mom", Bay answered in her usual sarcastic tone before glancing over towards her older brother and shooting him a look, making him laugh. Their mother always got excited over the stupidest things.

"First day back huh", John smiled as he stepped into the kitchen before placing a gentle kiss on his wife's cheek and then onto his daughter's. Bay squirmed as she grabbed her sleeve rubbing over her father's germs.

Bay stepped back from the usual conversation, the usual drivel of how they would all spend their day. They all did the same, Toby and Bay would be setting off to school, John would be heading off to work as the Senator and also watching over his "business empire" and as for Kathryn, she'd be spending the day at home, perhaps going out for the odd errand. It was the same each day yet they insisted on sharing it with everyone over breakfast. She watched them all laugh over John's jokes, jokes that she never got. She saw them all play with their hair, the light hair each of them had, the blue eyes. Glancing into a nearby mirror, she looked at her own hair. The raven curls, the brown eyes. Bay had always felt like an outcast in her family - they were nothing alike and she shared no common interests with them. They loved sport, her father was an ex pro Baseball star and quite a big deal in Kansas City. The Kennish's loved mixing with other rich people, each secretly in competition over who had the biggest house or who threw the best Garden Party. Bay hated all of that and the one thing she loved more than anything was Art. She loved to lock herself in her garage and draw for countless hours. That was her haven in her otherwise excluded world... well that and Ty.

"You better behave this term Bay", John said as he turned to his daughter.

"Oh ha ha", Bay said sarcastically.

"I'm serious I don't want a repeat of the summer"

"John leave her. It's her first day back", Kathryn said.

"I'm just telling her"

Still staring into the mirror, she tugged on her uniform and rolled her eyes. She hated when he spoke to her like that and she hated it even more that he sent her to Buckner. She hated her school. Buckner was filled with snobby, face, inhuman people that quite frankly were nothing like Bay. Everywhere she always had felt a sense of not belonging and she had no idea why.

"Want a ride to school?", Toby shouted over to his fifteen year old sister who stood staring into the mirror.

"Sure", she smiled turning around before grabbing her backpack.

"Have a good day sweetheart", Kathryn grinned cupping Bay's face with her hands.

"Erhm thanks mom"

"Be good. Make this year count", John waved as he made his way out to his car.

"Yearly inspiration from dad", Toby winked as him and Bay made their way out to his car.

As they got into the car, Bay took a deep breath. She really didn't want to go to school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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