five: first day

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My eyes shoot open from a loud noise that rumbled my body causing me to wake up. I feel extra weight added to both shoulders and I look to see Jordan and Juan with their heads on my shoulders. They looked so adorable with their mouths slightly opened, but they're right by my ear snoring their lives away. Lifting up my wrist I see that it's almost time for me to get up. On Sundays I usually don't do a whole lot except clean around the house. It's my reset day to get ready for what the next week has in store for me. Slowly moving from under them I get out of the bed and into the kitchen to make breakfast. The boys have practice today which is good, so I can have some alone time for the next few hours. My three babies enter the kitchen and snuggle by my feet as their way of saying good morning. I give them all pets and refill their water bowl since they don't eat until after Thano's morning walk.

As I was cracking eggs in a bowl, Jordan walks out of the room scratching his head and squinting his eyes. This boy always looks confused whenever he wakes up. I place his glasses on and he thanks me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanos come here boy."

He happily prances over to his daddy as he puts his harness and leash on so they can go outside.

"I'll be back in a few."

"Ok be careful", I smile.

"I will."

As I continue to wisk up the eggs, Juan exits the room stretching his arms and screaming. Well it was a yawn, but it was as loud as a scream.

"Good morning Syd."

"Good morning how did you sleep?"

"Like a baby", he laughs, "what are you making?"

"Eggs, bacon, biscuits, and potatoes. How many pieces of bacon do you want?"

I already know Jordan was four pieces with two biscuits.

"Um eight with three biscuits please."

"Juan I'm not making you eight pieces of bacon", I shake my head.

"Why not?"

"Because that's too much and y'all have practice today."

"You just proving that I'm going to run it off later today."

"Still it's a no I'll make you five pieces."

"Fine", he groans.

He walks off into his room and I hear the shower being turned in. Juan is out of his mind asking me to cook him eight pieces of bacon. I just know the grocery bill is going to increase because this man can eat a whole grocery store if he wanted to. I just hope a lot of things don't change within the household.

• • •

Jordan and Juan are at the table eating their plates and I'm fixing Kota, Kai, and Thonos' bowls. Jordan said he was a good boy during his morning walk today so I slipped a treat in his bowl and one in Kota and Kai's too because they're always so sweet. Once I get them situated, I wash my hands, and fix my plate. Jordan pats the seat next to him and I sit down with my plate and cup of juice. The boys were already dressed for practice and had their bags packed. They have a game coming up against the Mavericks so they need all the practice they can get. The season has already started and I hate the fact that Juan is going through all of this while trying to focus on the season as well.

"Have you called Audi yet bro?"

"No I blocked her ain't no way we going to fix this relationship."

I raise my eyebrows, but stick my face in my plate because it's none of my business.

polyandry • jordan poole & juan toscano-andersonWhere stories live. Discover now