What they think

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( hiii sorry for not posting 😢 exams are up my ass but I hope you enjoy this chapter I'm not really sure on what to do on the next soooo I'll give you some options. 1.they kidnap you 2.you find a college to go to and meet Billy and Stu there and become friends with em. 3.you're dad breaks outta prison and the slashers help you. Personally I like number 2 so I can drag out the story more but lemme know what y'all think! K sorry for taking your time)

Michael pov:
I was watching her for a good minute while she was outside while she was walking in I seen Billy lenz coming out from the back. 'What the hell is he doing'. I watch as he scurry's he's little rat ass back home. 'This is going to be just great' as I was walking back to the house I met up with Jason so we decided to get back to the house together.

As we where about there we seen Billy and Stu trying to grab something from Danny (all three are in there ghost face masks) "give me the damn camera I wanna see!!" Stu yelled At Danny like a wanting child. "It's my damn camera" Danny mocks. I don't even want to know what was going on so I continued to walk to the house while Jason was trying to explain to them three idiots to get back to the house.

'Finally back home' I thought as I opened the door. I seen chucky and Freddy sitting on the couch watching tv. Norman and Hannibal where reading books. I must have gotten here before Billy/L because hem came through the door shortly after me.

Billy lenz pov:
I seen Michael head off to hes room. I need to know what they'll do to y/n so I went up to Hannibal since he's the brains. "What are we going to do-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before I herd Stu bust through the door like a damn bull.

"We can't kill her! She's to cute!" He wines. "Pleaseeee can we keep he" he pleaded to Hannibal like a child. Hannibal being Hannibal just looked at Stu annoyed. "We'll have to see if we can trust her" he simply said. I got really excited at that comment. "Oh! This morning they seen me and didn't tell there mom that's pretty trust worthy right?" Everyone froze and looks at me. "They seen you how could you let that happen" Hannibal growls.

"She's seen Micheal to so I don't see the big deal" shortly after I said that a big fight broke loose and I hid in the attic.

Hannibal's pov:
After Hannibal calmed mostly everyone down. "We'll just have to wait after all I'm sure she's already spooked from what happened"

( sorry it's so short! The next update will be good I promise!!)

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