November 14th 2024

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     It all started out as a normal day in a very small town just south of Springfield Missouri. Today was awesome. My brother Jacob (Two years younger) and I were playing video games and eating three days worth of pizza. Our parents, were out of town for the next two weeks while staying at a relative's cabin the great mountains of Colorado. Now, you may be wondering if we have school. Well the answer is yes. Let me explain, we, like many of our friends, are homeschooled. So, as responsible teenagers, we get up every morning and get all of our schoolwork done by noon, then we can do whatever we feel like for the rest of the day.
        Now today we had gotten done quite a bit later than usual, even though we worked all the way through lunch break. I had originally planned to target practice with my bow, however it was a cold and misty day in November. I decided against that idea almost as soon as I woke up and looked out my window.
      Right as I was about to kill Jacob's character, my phone started ringing. Which was not at all unusual, our parents had set up a system where they called every 2 hours to check in. (Of course not at night) ironically our friends the Wesleys parents were also out of town this week. And they had the developed the same system with their kids.
      I answered the phone. My Mom first asked how we were, if we'd eaten, routine questions. Then she proceeded to tell us the Wesleys had missed their last two check ins and asked if I'd be willing to drive over there and make sure everything was ok.
        "Of course Mom, we live 7 minutes away, Jacob and I will just hop in the truck and head over now."
        "Drive carefully"
       "I will Mom. Love you."
         "Love you too."
         "Bye" I hung up the phone. "Get your shoes on Jacob, were going places."
    When we pulled in the driveway, four of the five came to greet us. Asher; the oldest of the boys, at 15 pretty much made the decisions for what they planned to do that day. The it was Asa, the only blonde, is 13, Cy 11, and finally River at 10. The two youngest, Wilder and Adler, had gone with their parents. Asher may have been the leader of the boys, rivaled only by Asa, but everyone knew Lundyn, the 17 year old only girl of the house was really in charge. After all she cooked, cleaned, did laundry, and took care of the horses.
    "Where's Lundyn?" I asked suspiciously.
    "Oh she's just inside preparing dinner." Cy replied.
    "No one died today?"
    "Nope, accident free!" Asher said laughing.
    I made my way inside, after making sure it was alright if we hang out today. Where I took Lundyn's phone and sent he parents a text so they knew everybody was alright. After helping Lundyn cook the rest of their dinner, I sat down with a bowl of hot soup, and turned on the news on my phone.
      "Governments across the world have issued a state of emergency" the reporter continued; "Moscow, Paris, France, and Italy have been completely over run by what people have started to call "Walkers". "What the....." I mumbled in disbelief. "The President has issued an evacuation order for cities such as Boston, Manhattan, Springfield, Huston, Jefferson city, and Little Rock." I dropped my spoon which loudly clattered as it fell to the floor. I ran outside "Everyone inside! Now!" I yelled from the back porch. Asher met me out of breath. "What the heck?" I started to try and explain when I heard a loud noise, like a garbage truck, and it was getting louder. I turned just in time to see the school bus that drove the Wesley's street every day hurtling full speed, straight for us. I threw myself down, pulling Asher down with me. As the school bus slammed into the side of the Wesley's house, it hit a large cement block, the top of their septic lines. It flipped, smashing the deck in front and behind us. I slowly got up, pulling Asher up with me. As I turned around I saw the bus driver climb slowly from the cab.
      "Hey man what the heck, are you alright?" I put my hand on his shoulder. He suddenly whirled around, his teeth snapping, as I dodged I noticed hazed eyes, blood everywhere, and an entire half of his face horribly hanging from his cheekbone. I jumped back from this ghastly sight, but he chased me I tripped, falling smack on my back. He lunged upon me, trying to bite my neck. I held him at arms length, and reached for my Dad's knife that I almost always carried on me, I managed to get it out of the sheath, and then started stabbing him in the head over and over, until his head was little more than a gooey pulp.
      I heard people talking to me but everything was muffled. I stumbled over to their water hydrant, numbly peeling a piece of his scalp off my arm. Falling to my knees at the hydrant I violently washed my face and arms, until there was no trace of guts on me.
    "Did you get bit?" Jacob asked concern on his face.
    "No, I didn't, I promise. Everyone gather a backpack of gear, we leave in ten minutes." I walked back to my truck, getting into the cab I looked through my gear that I crept in here to show off: A secret service pistol with 60 rounds, a compound bow with 12 arrows, a scoped hunting rifle with 40 rounds, a sawed off shotgun, a freshly sharpened katana, and a number of various knives anywhere from a 12 inch Bowie knife to a Swiss Army knife. "You were left in charge! You! Shake it off! They're your responsibility now!" The voice in my head screamed. I had made up my mind. No one was going to hurt my friends. NO ONE.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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